je veux savoir quand j'execute ce programme :

fprintf (1, '/ / n $> WORKING ON% s ... / n', HEADERFILE);% in Matlab command line window prompts the current work status
signalh = fullfile (PATH, HEADERFILE);% function fullfile the full path of the header file
fid1 = fopen (signalh, 'r');% open the header file, the identifier is FID1 property 'r'- "read-only"
z = fgetl (fid1);% read the first line of the header files data string format
A = sscanf (z, '% * s% d% d% d', [1,3]);% in accordance with the format '% * s% d% d% d' conversion data and stored in the matrix A
nosig = A (1);% the number of signal channels
Sfreq = A (2);% data sampling frequency
Clear A;% Clear matrices A, ready for the next row of data
for k = 1: nosig % read the data of each channel signal ]
il me signal une erreur dans la fonction "fgetl" ??? Error using ==> fgetl at 44
Invalid file identifier. aidez moi svp merci