Zigbee home automation
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Zigbee home automation

  1. #1

    Zigbee home automation


    hi friends,
    f for example i will send a command to turn on the light ,is -it correct to use the SW on/off from the home autmation profile (i mean the switch on/off clusters) in the coordinator using the appropriate attributies ,and the samplelight cluster in the end-device (a light for example) ,i mean if i wanna do this project ,i just need the atributies or i need an ther things ,i search on the net but i can't find how to make the steps to achieve this work


  2. #2
    Responsable des forums

    Re : Zigbee home automation

    Et en français ça donne quoi ?
    Rien ne sert de penser, il faut réfléchir avant - Pierre Dac

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