Problem Comsol
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Problem Comsol

  1. #1

    Problem Comsol


    I am studying sonar detector of large under water systems. I m using a simple test case in COMSOL at the moment but the memory size of my problem is too big for my PC. I tried to reduce the mesh but I had convergence problems can you please help me indicating which mesh settings I should choose?


  2. #2

    Re : Problem Comsol


    I guess you are using Windows, so, you should use Virtual Memory, which use a file on the hard disk as an extension of the RAM.

    Best regards,

  3. #3

    Re : Problem Comsol

    When I was at the university, i was using Oofelie to simulate a submarine and never had this kind of problem with the memory. I never used COMSOL though, so I can’t really help you with this. However you can check out their website, I think they give free trial software...

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