Windows Xp?
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Windows Xp?

  1. #1

    Windows Xp?


    I research

    I have a windows vista ultimate laptop.When I bought it it had Windows
    xp on it.I upgraded it to windows vista then it started rebooting.So
    when the computer shop people tried to put Windows xp the computer
    didn't respond they said that it is beacause of the sata harddisk.After
    somehow they put Windows xp.then my dad put windows vista again.Now it
    works properly.but I want to put windows xp now should i do it?



  2. #2

    Re : Windows Xp?

    Hi logankalo,

    Just that you know, this is a french forum so people here expect rightly to be asked in french...

    Anyway, I really do not understand why you kept changing os for like a thousand times and I really do not know if you "should" put win xp.
    You just do it if you want to, there is no obligation here.

  3. #3
    Responsable des forums

    Re : Windows Xp?

    French is the only language allowed here.
    Rien ne sert de penser, il faut réfléchir avant - Pierre Dac

  4. #4

    Re : Windows Xp?

    Citation Envoyé par logankalo Voir le message
    I research

    I have a windows vista ultimate laptop.When I bought it it had Windows
    xp on it.I upgraded it to windows vista then it started rebooting.So
    when the computer shop people tried to put Windows xp the computer
    didn't respond they said that it is beacause of the sata harddisk.After
    somehow they put Windows xp.then my dad put windows vista again.Now it
    works properly.but I want to put windows xp now should i do it?

    Well, I think you should use window 7 ultimate instead of using this old version. Just give it a try.

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  6. #5
    Responsable des forums

    Re : Windows Xp?

    Discussion fermée (voir message n° 3).
    Rien ne sert de penser, il faut réfléchir avant - Pierre Dac

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