Vous avez peut-être vu passer cet article de Aviation Week : SpaceX Tweaking Dragon 2 Design And Mars Plans.
Je ne veux pas me montrer désagréable avec Elon mais je vois :
Et plus loin :At last year’s IAC in Guadalajara, Mexico, Musk unveiled a Mars colonization blueprint with an estimated development cost of $10 billion. The plan featured reusable boosters flying huge tanker spacecraft into low Earth orbit and fueling a massive human spaceship for a relatively quick trip to Mars. The ship would be capable of carrying 450 tons, plus more than 100 people, who would pay about $100,000 apiece.
Tout n'est donc pas aussi facile que tu croyais, mon cher Elon, et il va en effet falloir rajouter au moins deux zéros à tes chiffres hyper optimistes. Tsss.“I think Falcon Heavy is going to be a great vehicle. There’s just so much that’s really impossible to test on the ground,” Musk says. “It actually ended up being way harder to do Falcon Heavy than we thought. At first it sounds real easy. You just stick two first stages on as strap-on boosters. How hard could that be? But then everything changes. All the loads change. Aerodynamics totally change. You’ve tripled the vibration and acoustics. . . . The amount of load you’re putting through that center core is crazy because you have two super-powerful boosters also shoving that center core, so we had to redesign the whole center core airframe. Then we’ve got the separation systems. It just ended up being way, way more difficult than we originally thought. We were pretty naive about that.”