Le scripte ci dessous ne fonctionne pas. Surement les timer ? ! En effet, quand on plante l'objet en jeu, le PED arrive, le PROP aussi, l'animation fonctionne mais ca n'évolue pas...
Je suis dans l'urgence... : /
MERCI infiniment d'avance pour l'aide.
Code:function CreateWeedLocal() local self = {} self.drug = 'weed' self.created = {} self.spawnedObjects = {} self.spawnedPeds = {} self.create = function(coords, startTime, duration, cb) local parent = self local self = {} startTime = startTime - TimeDiff self.obj = nil self.employee = nil self.endTime = startTime + duration self.level = -1 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) if CurrentRoom == nil then return end local time = GetGameTimer() + TimeDiff local percent = ((time - startTime) / duration) * 100 if percent <= 100 / 3 then if self.level < 0 then self.level = 0 ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject('bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a', coords, function(obj) self.obj = obj table.insert(parent.spawnedObjects, obj) end) end elseif percent <= 100 / 3 * 2 then if self.level < 1 then self.level = 1 ESX.Game.DeleteObject(self.obj) ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject('bkr_prop_weed_med_01a', { x = coords.x, y = coords.y, z = coords.z - 2.5 }, function(obj) self.obj = obj table.insert(parent.spawnedObjects, obj) end) end elseif percent <= 100 then if self.level < 2 then self.level = 2 ESX.Game.DeleteObject(self.obj) ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject('bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a', { x = coords.x, y = coords.y, z = coords.z - 2.5 }, function(obj) self.obj = obj table.insert(parent.spawnedObjects, obj) end) end elseif percent >= 100 then DeletePed(self.employee) self.level = 3 if self.obj == nil then ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject('bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a', { x = coords.x, y = coords.y, z = coords.z - 2.5 }, function(obj) self.obj = obj table.insert(parent.spawnedObjects, obj) if cb ~= nil then cb() end end) else if cb ~= nil then cb() end end return end if self.level < 3 and percent < 100 and self.employee == nil then local model = GetHashKey('G_F_Y_Families_01') RequestModel(model) while not HasModelLoaded(model) do Citizen.Wait(0) end self.employee = CreatePed(5, model, coords.x - 0.2, coords.y - 0.5, coords.z + 1.0, 0.0, false, false) table.insert(parent.spawnedPeds, self.employee) RequestAnimDict('amb@world_human_gardener_plant@female@idle_a') while not HasAnimDictLoaded('amb@world_human_gardener_plant@female@idle_a') do Citizen.Wait(0) end TaskPlayAnim(self.employee, 'amb@world_human_gardener_plant@female@idle_a', 'idle_a_female', 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0) end end end) return self end self.load = function(room, data) local spotsData = data['spots_' .. room .. '_' .. self.drug] for i=1, #spotsData, 1 do if spotsData[i] ~= -1 then ActiveEmployees = ActiveEmployees + 1 self.created[i] = self.create(Config.Zones.Rooms[room].Spots[i], spotsData[i], Config.Time[self.drug], function() ActiveEmployees = ActiveEmployees - 1 end) end end end self.unload = function() for i=1, #self.spawnedObjects, 1 do ESX.Game.DeleteObject(self.spawnedObjects[i]) end for i=1, #self.spawnedPeds, 1 do DeletePed(self.spawnedPeds[i]) end end self.onEnterSpotArea = function(spot) local key = 'spots_' .. CurrentRoom .. '_' .. self.drug if LocalData[key][spot] == -1 then local cb = function() local totalEmployees = LocalData['employees_' .. CurrentRoom .. '_' .. self.drug] if ActiveEmployees < totalEmployees then ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_weed:tryRemoveInventoryItem', function(success) local time = GetGameTimer() + TimeDiff if success then TriggerServerEvent('esx_weed:updateSpot', CurrentOwner, CurrentRoom, self.drug, spot, time) else ESX.ShowNotification('Vous n\'avez pas de ~r~graines de cannabis') end end, 'graine', 1) else ESX.ShowNotification('Aucun employé disponible') end end CurrentAction = 'start_drug' CurrentActionMsg = 'Appuyez sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour faire pousser de la weed' CurrentActionData = {cb = cb} elseif self.created[spot].level == 3 then local cb = function() TriggerServerEvent('esx_weed:harvest', 'weed') TriggerServerEvent('esx_weed:updateSpot', CurrentOwner, CurrentRoom, self.drug, spot, -1) end CurrentAction = 'harvest_drug' CurrentActionMsg = 'Appuyez sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour ramasser la weed' CurrentActionData = {cb = cb} end end self.updateSpot = function(spot, val) local key = 'spots_' .. CurrentRoom .. '_' .. self.drug LocalData[key][spot] = val if val == -1 then ESX.Game.DeleteObject(self.created[spot].obj) self.created[spot] = nil LocalData[key][spot] = -1 else ActiveEmployees = ActiveEmployees + 1 self.created[spot] = self.create(Config.Zones.Rooms[CurrentRoom].Spots[spot], val, Config.Time[self.drug], function() ActiveEmployees = ActiveEmployees - 1 end) end end return self end DrugLocals['weed'] = CreateWeedLocal()