parmi les physiologistes cellulaires - ou biologistes en général, soyons simples - est-ce qu'il y'en a qui ont eu des échos à propos des travaux de Gilbet Ling ( : the association-induction(AI) hypothesis ?
en gros ça dit ça :
vs en pensez quoi ? petite précision : je suis étudiante en 1ère année de pharma=débutante de chez débutante en biocell. mais ça m'intrigue pas mal cette histoire. alors, on ns aurait (encore) menti ou pas ?The proteins of the cell are able to exist in either of two different configurational states: a normal configuration, and a damaged configuration. The two different protein configurational states induce two different sets of water structuring and cation association states. In the healthy cell, the cell proteins have their normal configurational state in which negatively charged sites on the protein matrix have a large preference for associaton with K rather than Na, and cell water is highly structured so that its solubility for both K and Na is low. The result is high cell K and low cell Na concentrations. The ability of the cell proteins to stay in the normal configurational state is dependent on the integrity of the cell (freedom from chemical or physical damage).
In the damaged cell, the cell proteins change to the damaged configurational state. In that state the cell proteins lose their preference for associaton with K rather than Na, lose much of their ability to structure water, and probably lower their contractility, with the result that K leaves the cell, is replaced by Na, and the water content of the cell increases (the cell swells).
merci et bon we