[Divers] TV philips 21pt135a/00 bloqué mode hotel
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TV philips 21pt135a/00 bloqué mode hotel

  1. #1

    TV philips 21pt135a/00 bloqué mode hotel


    J'ai acheté dans une vente de residence hotelliere un tv philips 21PT135A/00 mais je ne peux rien régler ni regarder car est bloqué à cette fonction

    Pourriez vous m'apporter vos lumières car je ne sais pas quoi faire.

    Merçi par avance de votre aimable attention


  2. #2

    Re : TV philips 21pt135a/00 bloqué mode hotel

    Applicable for family: 8 local controls Identification on uP: /R217
    Hotel Mode activation: Select program 38, then press "INSTALL" on local keyboard and "SLEEPTIMER" on remote control for at least 4 seconds (at activation a green "H" is displayed (to remove this "H" switch off/on the set)).
    Specification of the Hotel mode: Max. volume in hotel mode is the volume present when activating the hotel mode. STORE or INSTALL can not be entered.

    Hotel mode (de)activation for Anubis A with 3 local controls. Only for sets with 3 LOCAL CONTROLS
    In service information HOTEL MODE for GR1AX / Anubis A&B / TV/VCR-1 4822 727 20384 a mistake is made for activation and de-activation of the Anubis A with 3 local controls (microprocessor version-3146)
    For hotel mode activation of a 3 local control Anubis A after selecting program 38, the "SELECT" button on the local keyboard and the "SLEEPTIMER" button on the remote control should be pressed simultaniously for at least 4 seconds.
    For de-activation of the hotel mode execute above mentioned procedure once again.


    Dernière modification par parcro ; 25/03/2007 à 14h43.


    Ce que d'autres ont réussi, on peut toujours le réussir. (A. de Saint-Exupéry)

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