Pb de synchro entre PIC 16F887 et RTC DS1307
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Pb de synchro entre PIC 16F887 et RTC DS1307

  1. #1

    Pb de synchro entre PIC 16F887 et RTC DS1307


    Je n'arrive pas a synchroniser mon pic avec une rtc DS1307
    L'écran affiche le message ci dessous même si on change les paramètres d'initialisation de sec,min, ....
    Est ce que quelqu'un peut m' aiguiller pour résoudre mon pb ?
    * Project : Horloge DS1307 sur PIC 16F887
    Programmateur EasyPIC6 / MicroC for PIC
    /***************************** Defines *****************************/
    #define ACK 0
    #define NACK 1
    /************************* bit definitions *************************/
    // Software I2C connections
    sbit scl at RC3_bit;
    sbit sda at RC4_bit;
    //sbit sqw at ?????;
    sbit scl_Direction at TRISC3_bit;
    sbit sda_Direction at TRISC4_bit;
    // LCD module connections
    sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;
    sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;
    sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;
    sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;
    sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;
    sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;
    sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
    sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
    sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
    sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
    sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
    sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
    // End LCD module connections
    /****************************** ****************************** ********/
    void I2C_start();
    void I2C_stop();
    void I2C_write(unsigned char d);
    unsigned char I2C__read(unsigned char);
    void initialize();
    /******************** global variables *************/
    unsigned char sec, min, hr, dy, dt, mn, yr;
    /*********** void *************************/
    void I2C_start() /* ------ initialisation du start ------------------- */
    sda = 1; delay_us(8); /* Pas de temps mini !? */
    scl = 1; delay_us(8); /* tBUF=4.7µs mini */
    sda = 0; delay_us(8); /* tHD:STA=4µs mini */
    void I2C_stop() /* ----------------------------------------------- */
    sda = 0; delay_us(15);
    scl = 1; delay_us(8);
    sda = 1; delay_us(8);
    unsigned char I2C_write(unsigned char d )
    unsigned char i, AckMissing;
    scl = 0; delay_us(8); /* tLOW=4.7µs mini */
    for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
    sda = (d >> 7); delay_us(1); /* SUAT=0.25µs mini */
    scl = 1; delay_us(8); /* tHIGH=4µs mini */
    d = d << 1; /* increase scl high time */
    scl = 0; //delay_us(8); /* tLOW=4.7µs mini */
    Sda_Direction=1; // 1 : Entrée
    AckMissing=sda; // Récup d'un 0 sur sda si OK //
    sda_Direction=0; // 0 : Sortie
    scl = 1; delay_us(8); /* tHIGH=4µs mini */
    scl = 0; delay_us(8);
    return AckMissing;
    unsigned char I2C__read(unsigned char b) /* ----------------------------------- */
    unsigned char d, i;
    scl = 0; delay_us(10);
    sda_Direction=1; // 1 : Entrée
    for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) // read the msb first
    d = d << 1;
    d = d | sda; // OU bit à bit : Retourne 1 si l'un ou l'autre des deux bits de même poids est à 1 (ou les deux)
    scl = 1; delay_us(10);
    scl = 0; delay_us(10);
    Sda_Direction=0; // 0 : sortie
    sda = b; delay_us(8);
    scl = 1; delay_us(8);
    scl = 0; delay_us(8);
    return d;
    //-------------------- Formats date and time
    void Transform_Time() {
    sec = ((sec & 0xF0) >> 4)*10 + (sec & 0x0F); // Transform seconds
    min = ((min & 0xF0) >> 4)*10 + (min & 0x0F); // Transform months
    hr = ((hr & 0xF0) >> 4)*10 + (hr & 0x0F); // Transform hours
    yr = (dy & 0xC0) >> 6; // Transform year
    dy = ((dy & 0x30) >> 4)*10 + (dy & 0x0F); // Transform day
    dt = dt ; // date ( 01 - 31 ) a transformer
    mn = ((mn & 0x10) >> 4)*10 + (mn & 0x0F); // Transform month
    //-------------------- Output values to LCD
    void Display_Time() {
    Lcd_Chr(1, 6, (dy / 10) + 48); // Print tens digit of day variable
    Lcd_Chr(1, 7, (dy % 10) + 48); // Print oness digit of day variable
    Lcd_Chr(1, 9, (mn / 10) + 48);
    Lcd_Chr(1,10, (mn % 10) + 48);
    Lcd_Chr(1,15, yr + 48); // Print year variable (start from year 2010)
    Lcd_Chr(2, 6, (hr / 10) + 48);
    Lcd_Chr(2, 7, (hr % 10) + 48);
    Lcd_Chr(2, 9, (min / 10) + 48);
    Lcd_Chr(2,10, (min % 10) + 48);
    Lcd_Chr(2,12, (sec / 10) + 48);
    Lcd_Chr(2,13, (sec % 10) + 48);
    void Read_Time() {
    I2C_Write(0xD1); // Address for reading R/W=1
    sec = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read seconds byte( 00 - 59 )
    min = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read minutes byte ( 00 - 59 )
    hr = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read hours byte ( 1-12 / 0-23 )
    dy = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read day byte( 01 - 07 )
    dt = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read date byte ( 01 - 31 )
    mn = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read month byte ( 0 - 12 )
    yr = I2C__Read(NACK); // Read year byte ( 00 - 99 )
    void main() {
    TRISB = 0;
    PORTB = 0xFF;
    TRISB = 0xff;
    ANSEL = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
    ANSELH = 0;
    C1ON_bit = 0; // Disable comparators
    C2ON_bit = 0;
    Scl_Direction=0; // 0 : sortie
    Sda_Direction=0; // 0 : sortie
    //INTCON=0; // Disables all interrupts
    Lcd_Init(); // Initialize LCD
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear LCD display
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off
    Lcd_Out(1,1,"Date:"); // Prepare and output static text on LCD
    Lcd_Out(1,12,"201"); // start from year 2010
    I2C_start(); /* The following Enables the Oscillator */
    I2C_write(0xd0); /* address the part to write */
    I2C_write(0x00); /* position the address pointer to 0 */
    I2C_write(0x00); /* write 0 to the seconds register, clear the CH bit */
    /* 21/08/2011 03H10min 08sec */
    sec=0x08; // seconds byte( 00 - 59 )
    min=0x0A; // minutes byte ( 00 - 59 )
    hr=0x43; // hours byte ( 1-12 / 0-23 ) (0x43 = 3 HEURES 12MODE PM/AM )
    dy=0x01; // day byte( 01 - 07 ) ( 1 = sunday )
    dt=0x21; // date byte ( 01 - 31 )
    mn=0x08; // month byte ( 0 - 12 )
    yr=0x11; // year byte ( 00 - 99 )
    I2C_write(0xd0); /* address the part to write */
    I2C_write(0x00); /* write register address, 1st clock register */
    Transform_Time(); // Format date and time
    Display_Time(); // Prepare and display on LCD


  2. #2

    Re : Pb de synchro entre PIC 16F887 et RTC DS1307

    Je pense qu'il te faut un while(1) dans ton main.

    I2C_write(0xd0); /* address the part to write */
    I2C_write(0x00); /* write register address, 1st clock register */
    Transform_Time(); // Format date and time
    Display_Time(); // Prepare and display on LCD

  3. #3

    Re : Pb de synchro entre PIC 16F887 et RTC DS1307

    Merci pour le conseil mais malheureusement j'ai toujours le même résultat.

  4. #4

    Re : Pb de synchro entre PIC 16F887 et RTC DS1307

    Ca y est j'ai trouvé , il fallait simplement ajouter un start - write - repeat start dans :
    void Read_Time()
    I2C_write(0xd0); /* address the part to write */
    I2C_write(0x00); /* position the address pointer to 0 */
    I2C_Write(0xD1); // Address for reading R/W=1
    sec = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read seconds byte( 00 - 59 )
    min = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read minutes byte ( 00 - 59 )
    hr = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read hours byte ( 1-12 / 0-23 )
    dy = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read day byte( 01 - 07 )
    dt = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read date byte ( 01 - 31 )
    mn = I2C__Read(ACK); // Read month byte ( 0 - 12 )
    yr = I2C__Read(NACK); // Read year byte ( 00 - 99 )

  5. A voir en vidéo sur Futura

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