salut a tous voila j ai un programme en matlab et je voudrais le convertir en language c,est ce que quelqu un pourait m aider svp,voila le programme.
meme juste l algorithme m aiderais merci
Code:% Test FFT with wavelet and added random noise % TestFFTwithNoise.m L Braile 3/18/06 npts = 200; % Number of points in wavelet dt = 0.01; % sample interval (fnyq = 50 Hz) freq = 5; % set ~peak frequency of wavelet timesh = 0.0; % allow timeshift to center the wavelet nsw = 20; % apply cosine bell taper to ends of signal s = ricker(npts,freq,dt,timesh,nsw); % calculate ricker wavelet t = [0:dt:(npts*dt - dt)]; noise = 0.1*randn(1,200); % calculate random noise s = s + noise; % add random noise to data figure plot(t,s,'-r','linewidth',1.5) set(gca,'fontsize',16,'linewidth',2) xlabel('Time (s)','fontsize',16) ylabel('Amplitude','fontsize',16) title('Ricker Wavelet','fontsize',16) nf = 1024; % set length of fft S = fft(s,nf); % calculate FFT of wavelet, the added zeros (nf = 1024) % do not change the spectrum (except by providing finer sampling, df) % because the zeros don't contribute to the sum of the area in the % Fourier integral fnyq = 1/(2*dt); % Nyquist frequency df = fnyq/(nf/2); % calculate frequency sample interval f = [0:df:fnyq]; % calculate frequency variable (will be (nf/2) + 1 long SS = S.*conj(S)/nf; SS = sqrt(SS); % calculate amplitude spectrum figure plot(f,SS(1:(nf/2)+1),'-r','linewidth',1.5) set(gca,'fontsize',16,'linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)','fontsize',16) ylabel('Amplitude','fontsize',16) title('Amplitude Spectrum of Ricker Wavelet','fontsize',16)