Je dois faire un code vhdl qui consiste à calculer la racine carrée d'un nombre Nbits. J'ai fait le code suivant:
Code:library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sqrootop is generic (NBITS: natural); port ( arg : in std_logic_vector(NBITS-1 downto 0); roundup : in std_logic; rroot : out std_logic_vector(NBITS-1 downto 0)); end entity sqrootop; architecture rtl of sqrootop is signal mask, remainder: unsigned(NBITS-1 downto 0); signal sig: unsigned(NBITS-1 downto 0); begin process (arg,roundup) begin mask <= 2**(NBITS-2); sig <= (OTHERS => '0'); remainder <= arg; while (mask /= 0) loop if ((sig+mask) <= remainder) then remainder <= remainder - (sig + mask); sig <= sig + (mask sll 1); end if; sig <= sig srl 1; mask <= mask srl 2; end loop; if (remainder > sig and roundup) then sig <= sig +1; end if; end process; rroot <= sig; end rtl;
Mais quand je compile, j'obtiens les erreurs suivantes...
Code:** Error: /da2/users/edatp/edatp39/HSM1_08_MT/HDL/RTL/sqroot_comb.vhd(26): Type error resolving infix expression "**" as type ieee.numeric_std.unsigned. # ** Error: /da2/users/edatp/edatp39/HSM1_08_MT/HDL/RTL/sqroot_comb.vhd(28): Signal "arg" is type ieee.std_logic_1164.std_logic_vector; expecting type ieee.numeric_std.unsigned. # ** Error: /da2/users/edatp/edatp39/HSM1_08_MT/HDL/RTL/sqroot_comb.vhd(38): No feasible entries for infix operator "and". # ** Error: /da2/users/edatp/edatp39/HSM1_08_MT/HDL/RTL/sqroot_comb.vhd(38): Type error resolving infix expression "and" as type std.standard.boolean. # ** Error: /da2/users/edatp/edatp39/HSM1_08_MT/HDL/RTL/sqroot_comb.vhd(43): Signal "sig" is type ieee.numeric_std.unsigned; expecting type ieee.std_logic_1164.std_logic_vector. # ** Error: /da2/users/edatp/edatp39/HSM1_08_MT/HDL/RTL/sqroot_comb.vhd(45): VHDL Compiler exiting
Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à les résoudre?