voila je fais un projet sur les souffleries, et là je suis sur les souffleries numériques.
elles utilisent principalement 2 méthodes : les volumes et éléments finis.
Mais j'ai du mal à comprendre les équations, qui plus est en anglais.
Je vois poste les équations et le texte, et j'aimerais que qqn m'aide à comprendre.
Finites Volumes
The governing equations are solved on discrete control volumes. FVM recasts the PDE's (Partial Differential Equations) of the N-S equation in the conservative form and then discretize this equation. This guarantees the conservation of fluxes through a particular control volume. Though the overall solution will be conservative in nature there is no guarantee that it is the actual solution. Moreover this method is sensitive to distorted elements which can prevent convergence if such elements are in critical flow regions. This integration approach yields a method that is inherently conservative (i.e. quantities such as density remain physically meaningful)![]()