J'essaie de compiler baseflight pour NAZE32 (normalement compilé sous linux) avec gcc sur Windows 7.
Mais le Make me fais quelques soucis.
J'ai copier le toolschain gcc sur un disk e:
J'ai essayer un makefile simple de NAZE32 qui fait clignoter une LED
ça compile OK!
Mais pas avec baseflight;
Pour les essais, j'ai mis baseflight dans le répertoire bin
J'ai dû transformer les "/" de linux en "\" de windows tout en respectant les "\" qui permettent de continuer les lignes
J'ai ajouté ..\ sur les tools qui pointent donc maintenant sur le répertoire bin (ça fonctionne avec le test ci dessus)
Mais avec ce makefile , le message pas de règle apparait ou "no rules"
voir l'mage
On dirait que la règle avec le CC n'est jamais pris en compte...
Même que celle avec le mkdir ne fonctionne pas non plus.
le Mkdir existe, j'ai crée depuis la console le répertoire "NAZE"
Il reste sans doute une erreur, mais je ne la vois pas.
Code:############################################################################### # "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): # <msmith@FreeBSD.ORG> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you # can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think # this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return ############################################################################### # # Makefile for building the baseflight firmware. # # Invoke this with 'make help' to see the list of supported targets. # ############################################################################### # Things that the user might override on the commandline # # The target to build, must be one of NAZE or CJMCU TARGET ?= NAZE # Compile-time options OPTIONS ?= # Debugger optons, must be empty or GDB DEBUG ?= # Serial port/Device for flashing SERIAL_DEVICE ?= /dev/ttyUSB0 ############################################################################### # Things that need to be maintained as the source changes # VALID_TARGETS = NAZE CJMCU # Working directories ROOT = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) SRC_DIR = $(ROOT)\src CMSIS_DIR = $(ROOT)\lib\CMSIS STDPERIPH_DIR = $(ROOT)\lib\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver OBJECT_DIR = $(ROOT)\obj BIN_DIR = $(ROOT)\obj # Source files common to all targets COMMON_SRC = buzzer.c \ cli.c \ config.c \ imu.c \ main.c \ mixer.c \ mw.c \ sensors.c \ serial.c \ rxmsp.c \ drv_gpio.c \ drv_i2c.c \ drv_i2c_soft.c \ drv_system.c \ drv_serial.c \ drv_uart.c \ printf.c \ utils.c \ fw_nav.c \ ibus.c \ sbus.c \ sumd.c \ spektrum.c \ startup_stm32f10x_md_gcc.S \ $(CMSIS_SRC) \ $(STDPERIPH_SRC) # Source files for full-featured systems HIGHEND_SRC = gps.c \ drv_softserial.c \ telemetry_common.c \ telemetry_frsky.c \ telemetry_hott.c # Source files for the NAZE target NAZE_SRC = drv_adc.c \ drv_adxl345.c \ drv_ak8975.c \ drv_bma280.c \ drv_bmp085.c \ drv_ms5611.c \ drv_bmp280.c \ drv_hcsr04.c \ drv_hmc5883l.c \ drv_ledring.c \ drv_mma845x.c \ drv_mpu.c \ drv_l3g4200d.c \ drv_pwm.c \ drv_spi.c \ drv_timer.c \ $(HIGHEND_SRC) \ $(COMMON_SRC) # Source files for the CJMCU target CJMCU_SRC = drv_adc.c \ drv_mpu.c \ drv_hmc5883l.c \ drv_pwm.c \ drv_timer.c \ $(COMMON_SRC) # In some cases, %.s regarded as intermediate file, which is actually not. # This will prevent accidental deletion of startup code. .PRECIOUS: %.s # Search path for baseflight sources VPATH := $(SRC_DIR):$(SRC_DIR)\baseflight_startups # Search path and source files for the CMSIS sources VPATH := $(VPATH):$(CMSIS_DIR)\CM3\CoreSupport:$(CMSIS_DIR)\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x CMSIS_SRC = $(notdir $(wildcard $(CMSIS_DIR)\CM3\CoreSupport\*.c \ $(CMSIS_DIR)\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x\*.c)) # Search path and source files for the ST stdperiph library VPATH := $(VPATH):$(STDPERIPH_DIR)\src STDPERIPH_SRC = $(notdir $(wildcard $(STDPERIPH_DIR)\src\*.c)) ############################################################################### # Things that might need changing to use different tools # # Tool names CC = ..\arm-none-eabi-gcc OBJCOPY = ..\arm-none-eabi-objcopy # # Tool options. # INCLUDE_DIRS = $(SRC_DIR) \ $(STDPERIPH_DIR)\inc \ $(CMSIS_DIR)\CM3\CoreSupport \ $(CMSIS_DIR)\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x \ ARCH_FLAGS = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 ifeq ($(DEBUG),GDB) OPTIMIZE = -Og LTO_FLAGS = $(OPTIMIZE) else OPTIMIZE = -Os LTO_FLAGS = -flto -fuse-linker-plugin $(OPTIMIZE) endif DEBUG_FLAGS = -ggdb3 CFLAGS = $(ARCH_FLAGS) \ $(LTO_FLAGS) \ $(addprefix -D,$(OPTIONS)) \ $(addprefix -I,$(INCLUDE_DIRS)) \ $(DEBUG_FLAGS) \ -std=gnu99 \ -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Wshadow -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ -DSTM32F10X_MD \ -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER \ -D$(TARGET) ASFLAGS = $(ARCH_FLAGS) \ -x assembler-with-cpp \ $(addprefix -I,$(INCLUDE_DIRS)) # XXX Map/crossref output? LD_SCRIPT = $(ROOT)\stm32_flash.ld LDFLAGS = -lm \ -nostartfiles \ --specs=nano.specs \ -lc \ -lnosys \ $(ARCH_FLAGS) \ $(LTO_FLAGS) \ $(DEBUG_FLAGS) \ -static \ -Wl,-gc-sections,-Map,$(TARGET_MAP) \ -T$(LD_SCRIPT) ############################################################################### # No user-serviceable parts below ############################################################################### # # Things we will build # ifeq ($(filter $(TARGET),$(VALID_TARGETS)),) $(error Target '$(TARGET)' is not valid, must be one of $(VALID_TARGETS)) endif TARGET_HEX = $(BIN_DIR)\baseflight_$(TARGET).hex TARGET_ELF = $(BIN_DIR)\baseflight_$(TARGET).elf TARGET_OBJS = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)\$(TARGET)\,$(basename $($(TARGET)_SRC)))) TARGET_MAP = $(OBJECT_DIR)\baseflight_$(TARGET).map # List of buildable ELF files and their object dependencies. # It would be nice to compute these lists, but that seems to be just beyond make. $(TARGET_HEX): $(TARGET_ELF) $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex --set-start 0x8000000 $< $@ $(TARGET_ELF): $(TARGET_OBJS) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) MKDIR_OBJDIR = @mkdir $(dir $@) # Compile (OBJECT_DIR)\$(TARGET)\%.o: %.c $(MKDIR_OBJDIR) @echo %% $(notdir $<) @$(CC) -c -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $< # Assemble $(OBJECT_DIR)\$(TARGET)\%.o: %.s $(MKDIR_OBJDIR) @echo %% $(notdir $<) @$(CC) -c -o $@ $(ASFLAGS) $< $(OBJECT_DIR)\$(TARGET)\.o): %.S $(MKDIR_OBJDIR) @echo %% $(notdir $<) @$(CC) -c -o $@ $(ASFLAGS) $< #clean: rm -f $(TARGET_HEX) $(TARGET_ELF) $(TARGET_OBJS) $(TARGET_MAP) #flash_$(TARGET): $(TARGET_HEX) stty -F $(SERIAL_DEVICE) raw speed 115200 -crtscts cs8 -parenb -cstopb -ixon echo -n 'R' >$(SERIAL_DEVICE) stm32flash -w $(TARGET_HEX) -v -g 0x0 -b 115200 $(SERIAL_DEVICE) flash: flash_$(TARGET) unbrick_$(TARGET): $(TARGET_HEX) stty -F $(SERIAL_DEVICE) raw speed 115200 -crtscts cs8 -parenb -cstopb -ixon stm32flash -w $(TARGET_HEX) -v -g 0x0 -b 115200 $(SERIAL_DEVICE) unbrick: unbrick_$(TARGET) help: @echo "" @echo "Makefile for the baseflight firmware" @echo "" @echo "Usage:" @echo " make [TARGET=<target>] [OPTIONS=\"<options>\"]" @echo "" @echo "Valid TARGET values are: $(VALID_TARGETS)" @echo ""