my fotoalbum Virus
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my fotoalbum Virus

  1. #1

    my fotoalbum Virus


    Le salut ensemble,

    j'a besoin de l'aide. Je suis une fille allemande, et ici ce virus "My" mon français se répartit depuis certains jours est vraiment très mauvais, mais seulement sur les côtés français, je trouvais l'aide au sujet. Peut-le un m'aider s'il vous plaît ? Probablement, même en allemand ou au moins l'anglais répondent ?

    J'ai besoin du nom du virus. S'il vous plaît, aidez.

    Cher salut Pia


    Hello together,

    I needs help. I am a German girl, and my French is very bad. For a few days the virus "My Fotoalbum" spreads in Germany by MSN. I really need help, but only frensch sites opened at google search. As my french is so bad, maybe someone could help me, and give the answer in German or english.

    I need the name of this Virus. Please Help.

    thanks and greetz




    ich brauche Hilfe. Ich bin ein deutsches Mädchen und seit einigen Tagen verteilt sich hier per MSN das Virus "My Fotoalbum". Allerdings gibts nur Seiten auf französich zu diesem Thema. Da mein Französisch aber so schlecht ist, hoffe ich auf Hilfe in Englisch oder Deutsch.

    Ich brauche den Namen des Virus. Bitte helft mir.

    Lieben Gruß



  2. #2

    Re : my fotoalbum Virus

    Guten Aben,
    Entschuldigung fûr mein Deutsch.
    Ich glaube du musst den file rdihost .dll in system32 von windows wegschmeissen.
    Du kannst mal probieren und when es nicht gehte setzt du wieder den file auf der richtige platz

  3. #3

    Re : my fotoalbum Virus

    Hello Pia,

    Do you prefer that we explain how to remove this threat in English or in German ? I don't speak German fluently but I can try to translate our speech.

    edit : bmer > merci de manifester ta maitrise de la langue, mais par contre il faut un outil spécial pour enlever ceci, cela ne se résume pas à un simple fichier

  4. #4

    Re : my fotoalbum Virus

    if it's possible in german, but in english is also no problem, only my french is so bad, that i understand nothing

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  6. #5

    Re : my fotoalbum Virus

    Hello Nelly/Pia,

    I prefer use English but if you don't understand something ask me and I will translate as well as I can in German.

    So...let's get it started

    Download from here, but don't use it yet.
    (Copy/Paste the URL into the address bar or use "Save Target As")[list]
    • Now reboot into Safe Mode
    • Double-click MsnCleaner_eng.exe to run it.
    • Click the Analyze button.
    • A report will be created once after you finish scan.
    • If it finds an infection, click the Deleted button.
    • Now, please reboot back to normal mode.
    • Please post the contents of C:\MsnCleaner.txt in a reply to this post.


  7. #6

    Re : my fotoalbum Virus

    If you don't know how to reboot in safe mode :
    • Restart your computer
    • After hearing your computer beep once during startup, but before the Windows icon appears, tap the F8 key continually;
    • Instead of Windows loading as normal, a menu with options should appear;
    • Select the first option, to run Windows in Safe Mode, then press "Enter".
    • Choose your usual account.

  8. #7

    Re : my fotoalbum Virus

    thank you for your help

  9. #8

    Re : my fotoalbum Virus

    Hi Nelly,

    Please send your log (C:\MsnCleaner.txt). I need to check if the threat is completely gone.

    Have a good day

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