Intervention de John Grotzinger hier...
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Intervention de John Grotzinger hier...

  1. #1

    est-ce possible d'obtenir le script exact de John Grotzinger dans son briefing de 4 minutes 30 diffusé depuis hier un peu partout en stream (cbsnews par ex).
    Il y parle évidemment de la présence d'eau sur Mars et y explique en détail quelques clichés lors d'une conférence (panoramique 360°, zoom sur les spheres...).
    Ou peut-on se procurer la version écrite de son intervention ?

    Merci d'avance


  2. #2

    Je suis en train de retranscrire le tout a l'oreille, il me manque des trucs, si quelqu'un pouvait passer derriere moi une fois le tout retranscrit, ca serait sympa.
    J'arrive a quasi tout comprendre, mais il me manque certains trucs...

    Pour info voici le lien vers la video en direct stream (vous pouvez la télécharger au pire)


    La transcription arrive...

  3. #3

    Je viens de finir, il me manque pas mal de mots...
    Attention les yeux !
    Merci d'avance pour votre participation. Anglophones bienvenus ! Traducteurs également -->

    Ok what i'm gonna do is take you on age to a logical fill trap to the el capitain location and we're going to zoom in to see
    of the textures and steeve was talking about and I want to emphasize that the outset that all the activations that we're going to take you through fit together in a very specific way that helps narrow down the range of possibilities that the
    used to decide what type of rock this is for this is another type of rock.
    So they are (there are) all strong in the wrong way (ray) and add it up together, they make a very strong case for a specific faces of some
    that adds up to the water story that steeve was talking about.

    Now the first film here, we're going to fly
    outcrop opportunity ledge and the movie will move from left to right, that's about 20m wide this outcrop ; it's only about 20 or 25cm high. There is a white sort of triangle area on the left.
    That what happens if we'd moved through the ... change
    there were a lot of fog there. And we have another geological unit which has a base as you zoom one through there you see some layering ; and this layering is the big
    around the outcrop

    virtually all these ... of pieces that you see at this layering and we think that's it's an important clue. Now here comes El capitan and see the layering in there and remind the sun of us ... the Guadalupe mounts called el capitan

    so this is a locality there of el capitan, and there are 2
    Notice the layering forward this rock, even if we zoom in, we can see there are layers, so despite the impact that this rock saw, it still have very well preserved textures. Now zoomed in here in detail, we also see more lamination, we see the vugs and voids what steeve was talking about, and we see the blueberrys there as well.

    zoom in on the next imaginary

    we see another one of these, the...
    and what we can see again is this very fine layering. Right in the middle, is one of these spherules. You notice that the laminations come up to that spherules, they don't deflect around it, and we use this is a criteria at a small scale to suggest that these spherules are ... that result in the displacement or the replacement of sediment through middle growth within avoid (space ? and there ?)
    Had they been droped in ? as particles or as (melt) spherules. They would have pushed the layer down, we used that as a criteria to ...
    In addition to that, we notice that the spherules never accumulate ... in the layer, they are always randomly distributed out of the layers.

    We gonna look at thes vugs, so here they are, notice the one in the ... off to the upper right just a little bit. The attribute of these is ... that many of them show, the greatest width in the middle then tapering at their ends. And this reminds a lot of us of a mineral on earth called gypsum, which is calcium sulfate, and steeve ... too, the fact that such a mineral might to form in the rock requires water to bring in percolate through the pole (pore ?) network ...
    and their absence may be evidence as well of a fluid then that desolves the mineral move to the way. It could also have been eroded by wind we don't know, we can't get deep enough to confirm that, but certainly a premissimal ...tation.
    Ok now in the next... that we see here
    We have where we go in the future, we have about 7 days of experiment ... up to specificly evaluate this rock ... we called that rock last chance, and what you can see here, are some arrows that zoom in to some details that are very suggestive of a we called crossbeding. These are layers that are implied to the principle bedding points. And if they are in fact crossbedded, and I wanna emphasize that it's only a hint, then we have to resolve this. It requires that sediment particles have be moved then flowing current (courant). So the current could be air, it could be water, it could be volcanic gases. All these are opened right now, but this is ... hint.

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