La MHD, sujet assez controversé à cause de certaines personnes mais pour lequel certaines applications ont déjà vu le jour, quelques exemples :
Plus récemment :
"The HVEPS project posed the advanced concept of using an MHD generator coupled in-line to the scramjet exhaust to directly extract electric power from the induced electromotive force produced by the interaction of the exhaust plasma stream with a magnetic field.This is the world's first successful demonstration of a hypersonic MHD generator. This will lead the way for future development of this technology as a viable means to provide multi-megawatt MHD auxiliary power systems for air-breathing hypersonic vehicles".
Désole mais le lien ne fonctionne plus.
Bon, de toute façon, ce n'est pas un système de propulsion MHD mais un générateur (APU) MHD embarqué.
Et très récemment, voici le nouveau projet très ambitieux qui nous provient de l'Université de Floride, comme quoi, ils ne font pas que faire bronzette.
"Fittingly, Roy said his flying saucer one day could soar through atmospheres other than Earth’s own. For example, the aircraft would be an ideal vehicle for the exploration of Titan, Saturn’s sixth moon, which has high air density and low gravity, Roy said".
Vos impressions ?
Europa aka Buck