Voilà ce qu'en dit Chandrasekar dans son livre « The mathematcal theory of black holes »:
"`The Newman-Penrose formalism is a tetrad with a special choice of the basis vectors. The choice that is made is a tetrad of null vectors l, n, m, m* of which l and n are real and m and m* are complex conjugates of one another. The novelty of this formalism, when it was first proposed by Newman and Penrose in 1962, was precisely in their choice of a null basis.
It was a departure from the choice of an orthonormal basis which was customary till then. The underlying motivation for the choice of a null basis was Penrose's strong belief that the essential element of a spacetime is its light-cone structure which make possible the introduction of a spinor basis. And it will appear that the light-cone structure of space-times of the black-hole solutions of general relativity is exactly of the kind that makes the Newman-Penrose formalism most effective for grasping the inherent symmetries of these space-times and revealing their analytical richness.
Je n'ai pas traduit, car c'est assez simple. Comme c'est peu connu, je pense que cela mérite réflexion sur le sempiternel sujet des relations (exprimant les morphismes) entre le monde physique et sa description par les mathématiques