lave linge whirlpool AWO 9963
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lave linge whirlpool AWO 9963

  1. #1

    lave linge whirlpool AWO 9963



    Sur mon lave linge whirlpool AWO 9963, j'ai un code défaut F09, puis
    Quelqu'un peut il m'éclairer.




  2. #2

    Re : lave linge whirlpool AWO 9963


    "F/09" Overflow Condition

    If the Overflow contact on the pressure switch is Closed for more than 60 seconds and Overflow condition will occur. In an Overflow condition, the Door will remain locked, and the Drain Pump will run constantly, even if PAUSE/CANCEL is pressed twice and the Display is cleared. Unplug the unit to service.
    Check the drain hose and make sure it is not plugged or inked.
    Check Wire Harness connectors to the Drain Pump, Pressure Switch, and Central Control Unit (CCU)
    Check/Clean Drain Pump Filter of foreign objects
    Check for Drain Pump Failure
    Check the Inlet Valve for proper shut off
    Check the Pressure switch for proper operation



    en FR:



    Ce que d'autres ont réussi, on peut toujours le réussir. (A. de Saint-Exupéry)

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