[Thermique] Thomson Crystal
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Thomson Crystal

  1. #1

    Thomson Crystal


    I have a thomson Refrigerator and i need 2 parts .
    Im portuguese so i go try explaim me nice to you guys unterstand me .
    This is my refrigerator https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...515_192859.jpg .
    And i need the 2 last racks of the refrigerator , mine are broken , i send a pic to you see what im tellin about . https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...food_gross.JPG
    This is not my refrigerator , is just a example , that last 2 that i put a arrow . I need it for my model.. I cant find that anyplace in EU is dam frustating

    Anyone can help me with a website or tell me the model of this refrigerator?

    ps: my french is very bad so i dont try to type it .


  2. #2

    Re : Thomson Crystal

    Hi Tigasmigas,

    The model of your refrigerator is DF36X.
    You can find the racks on a spares parts website.


  3. #3

    Re : Thomson Crystal

    Thanks Pil

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