Voilà je cherche à programmer le 18F248 avec Picstart Plus,
j'ai le fichier en .hex mais lorsque je fais verify pour regarder ce que ça donne, j'obtiens ce genre de message:

A serial time out has occurred at address 1666. The current
operation will continue from there.

A serial time out has occurred at address 2326. The current
operation will continue from there.

A serial time out has occurred at address 2ff4. The current
operation will continue from there.

A serial time out has occurred at address 3cbe. The current
operation will continue from there.

To many serial time outs have occurred. Please Verify
your serial connection and try programming again.

Et lorsque je fais Program:

A serial time out has occurred at address 2bc. The current
operation will continue from there.

A serial time out has occurred at address 454. The current
operation will continue from there.

A serial time out has occurred at address 5ec. The current
operation will continue from there.

Que faire pour résoudre ce problème ??