matlab compiler
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matlab compiler

  1. #1

    Arrow matlab compiler


    je suis entrain d'ecrire un programme java qui devrait, entre autre, contenir un module de calcul elements finis.
    j'ai trouvé une bibliotheque d'un solveur fem en matlab à cette adresse(openfem):
    dans la doc, il est ecrit que celui-ci comporte un module compatible avec le mailleur GMSH disponible ici:
    et dont la source est disponible ici:

    en suivant ces instructions:
    To install OpenFEM you need to:

    1/ Unzip the distribution to the target location of your choice <installdir>.
    Typically <installdir>=$MATLAB/toolbox, or if your are a SDT user, choose
    Unzip will create a subdirectory <installdir>/openfem.

    2/ For UNIX user, notice that you usually need to become superuser
    to have write permission in the $MATLAB subdirectories. You can easily
    circumvent this difficulty by unpacking the distribution in another
    directory where you have write permission. Note that you will need
    a HTML browser to navigate within the documentation located
    in <installdir>/openfem/html.

    3/ Include OpenFEM in your default path. For this, launch Matlab and
    change directories to <installdir>/openfem, then run the path check:


    Then save your updated path for future Matlab sessions or include the above
    lines in your startup.m file, see matlabrc, (or have your system administrator
    modify your $MATLAB/toolbox/local/pathdef.m file).

    4/ Move the openfem/html directory to $MATLAB/help/toolbox/openfem if you want
    it to be seen by MATLAB (cf. 2/).

    5/ Compiling
    For proper operation of OpenFEM, you should have three mex files (compiled
    dynamically linked libraries). of_mk is the gateway interface for
    FORTRAN routines of the OpenFEM library. sp_util groups C routines
    used for model assembly and associated functions. nopo2sd provides
    translation between the NOPO format of MODULEF and the OpenFEM format.

    You can compile these functions using the associated ofutil commands
    (help ofutil). Or the combined ofutil('mexall').

    You are done !

    You will find demos of OpenFEM capabilities in the openfem/demos and
    openfem/test directories.

    je suis arrivé à transformer les scripts *.m en sources *.c et *.obj

    comment pourrais je faire pour transfourmer ces c et obj en un et seul exe?

    mon but etant de faire du java, je prefererais creer des classes java plutot qu'appeler des exe. matlab me permet normalement de transformer des *.m en java grace à la commande "mcc -m", comment, de la meme facon que j'ai créé des codes c à partir de cete biblio, je pourrais en faire des/une classe(s) java?

    disposant des codes *.cpp de gmsh, je voudrais des transformer en java?


    "Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you get"

  2. #2

    Re : matlab compiler

    la commande qui m'a permis de compiler les m en c est: ofutil('mexall')

    le contenu du fichier ofutil est:
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    "Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you get"

  3. #3

    Re : matlab compiler

    quecun pourrait-il m'aider à y voir plus clair svp?
    que dois-je faire pour obtenir un .exe?
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    "Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you get"

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