Oui ou Non?
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Oui ou Non?

  1. #1

    Wink Oui ou Non?



    J'au un exercice de mathématiques discrètes dont j'ai lu le corrigé, mais il est assez peu détaillé et j'ai du mal à le comprendre:


    Each woman of the town of Questionland always lies or always gives the correct reply. A woman of Questionland will give only a “Yes” or a “No” response to a question you ask her. Suppose you are visiting this area and you arrive to a fork in the road. One branch leads to the city of Questionland, and the other branch leads deep onto the jungle. A woman of Questionland is standing at the fork in the road. What one question can you ask her to determine which branch to take?


    Let p = “you tell false” and q = “ruins on the left”. The question to be answered is p ⊕ q, i.e., ¬(p ∧ q) ∧ ¬(¬p ∧ ¬q). If the woman of Questionland says yes (=true), the ruins are on the left, otherwise they are on the right, regardless of the fact that he says the truth or not.

    Quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer la question à poser en mots?



  2. #2

    Re : Oui ou Non?


    Faites un tableau de vérité, et cela devrait sauter aux yeux
    Je suis Charlie.
    J'affirme péremptoirement que toute affirmation péremptoire est fausse