La phyique en français
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La phyique en français

  1. #1

    La phyique en français


    Je viens de trouver 500 pages de physique en français, de mon
    bouquin de physique préféré. C'est Motion Mountain - L'aventure de la physique. J'ai trouvé la version française sur

    Vraiment pas mal! L'auteur dit qu'étudier la physique est aussi beaux que faire l'amour, mais peut-etre il exagère.


    P.S: Un texte repris du réseaux:

    Over 1600 pages show that physics is more fun than making
    love. They lead through the whole of physics, from
    mechanics to thermodynamics, relativity, electrodynamics,
    quantum theory, nuclear physics, astrophysics and
    unification. The text promises to be fascinating and
    challenging on every page.

    The twenty-second edition now explains how it is possible
    to plunge a bare hand into molten lead, includes a film of
    an oscillating quartz inside a watch, explains how it is
    possible to type a letter by controlling a computer
    with thought alone, includes a film of a solar flare,
    explains the fifteen ways that colours appear
    in rocks plants and animals, explains the connection
    between cats and gauge theory, adds more ways in which
    the human eye invents colours that are not there, includes
    a list of laser types and applications, includes many
    images of crystals, explains how physics Plotinus
    and christianity come together to show that the universe
    and god are one and the same, adds the handcuff puzzle
    and several other puzzles, explains how jet pilots
    frighten civilians with sonic superbooms produced by
    fighter planes, presents the most beautiful and precise
    sundial available today, adds a simple photographic
    proof that the Earth is larger than the Moon, improves
    the presentation of elementary particle physics, adds
    a photo of a red rainbow, gives the latest discoveries
    on the Galileo trial, presents a fascinating mathematical
    aspect of Ohm's law, states the hardest open math problem
    that you can explain to your grandmother, adds photographs
    of levitation, and much more.


  2. #2

    Re : La physique en français

    Citation Envoyé par francoisbelfort Voir le message

    L'auteur dit qu'étudier la physique est aussi beau que faire l'amour, mais peut-être il exagère.

    ... explains how it is possible to type a letter by controlling a computer with thought alone,
    ... explains the fifteen ways that colours appear in rocks plants and animals, ...
    Le système qui permet de taper sur un ordi simplement avec la pensée est presque incroyable.

    Et les photos sur les 15 façons dont la couleur apparait en nature sont vraiment belles! Jamais vu ça.

    Peut-être la comparaison avec l'amour n'est pas exagerée...


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