Test de stroop sous Matlab
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Test de stroop sous Matlab

  1. #1

    Test de stroop sous Matlab



    J'essaye actuellement de designer un test de stroop sous Matlab qui s'inspire de ce modèle:

    Code PHP:

    Ma question est la suivante:

    quelle devrait être la structure de ce programme ?


  2. #2

    Re : Test de stroop sous Matlab

    En sachant que j'ai à ma disposition un programme qui suit la structure suivante:


    level = 'ONE'; 
    if TOTALCOUNT == 1
        vectorAnswer = [0]; vectorTime = [0];   % for data analysis
        h1=text(0,0,' ','color','w','units','normalized','position',[0.5 0.45],...
        h2=text(0,0,' ','color','w','units','normalized','position',[0.5 0.15],...
        set(h1,'string',sprintf('Welcome to training session.')); pause(2);
        set(h1,'string',sprintf('Please answer as quickly as you can..')); pause(3);
        set(h2,'string',sprintf('Press any key to start.'));
        cla; drawnow;
    % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[-1.1429 -0.0286 1.1429 0.9838]);
    pm=[1 1.5 2];
    switch level
        case 'ONE'
            dice = randi([1 4]);
            num1 = 10;
            if dice == 1           
                while num1 < 1 || num1 > 9
                    num2 = randi([1 9]);
                    num3 = randi([1 9]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    num1 = ans - num2 - num3;
                operand1 = '+'; operand2 = '+';
             elseif dice == 2     
                while num1 < 1 || num1 > 9
                    num2 = randi([1 9]);
                    num3 = randi([1 9]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    num1 = num2 + num3 + ans;
                operand1 = '-'; operand2 = '-';
                while num1 < 1 || num1 > 9
                    numA = randi([1 9]);
                    numB = randi([1 9]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    num1 = ans - numA + numB;
                if dice == 3        
                    num2 = numA; num3 = numB; operand1 = '+'; operand2 = '-';
                    num2 = numB; num3 = numA; operand1 = '-'; operand2 = '+';
        case 'TWO'
            dice = randi([1 5]);
            numD = 100;
            if dice < 3
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1
                    numA = randi([10 99]);
                    numB = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = numA + numB - ans;
                num_set = [numA numB];
                sign_set = ['+' '-'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                if rem(dice,2)
                    num1 = num_set(idx(1)); num2 = num_set(idx(2)); num3 = numD;
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); 
                    num1 = num_set(idx(1)); num2 = numD; num3 = num_set(idx(2));  
                    operand1 = sign_set(2); operand2 = sign_set(1);
            elseif dice == 3
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1
                    numA = randi([10 99]);
                    numB = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = numA - numB - ans;
                num_set = [numB numD];
                sign_set = ['-' '-'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                num1 = numA; num2 = num_set(idx(1)); num3 = num_set(idx(2)); 
                operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); 
                while numD > 99 || numD < 10
                    numA = randi([10 20]);
                    numB = randi([3 9]);
                    productAB = numA*numB;
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    if rem(dice,2)
                        numD = productAB - ans;
                        numD = productAB + ans;
                num_set = [numA numB];
                sign_set = ['x' '-'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                if rem(dice,2)
                    num1 = num_set(idx(1)); num2 = num_set(idx(2)); num3 = numD; 
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2);
                    num1 = numD; num2 = num_set(idx(1)); num3 = num_set(idx(2)); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(2); operand2 = sign_set(1); 
        case 'THREE'
            dice = randi([1 35]);
            numD = 100; numA = 100;
            if dice < 5
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numA > 99 || numA < 1 
                    numB = randi([3 6]);
                    numA0 = randi([31 99]);
                    numA = numA0 * numB;
                    numC = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = (numA/numB) + numC - ans;
                num_set = [numC numD];
                sign_set = ['/' '+' '-'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                ng_pos = randi([1 4]);
                if ng_pos < 3
                    num1 = num2str(numA); num2 = num2str(numB); num3 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num4 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(1+idx(1)); operand3 = sign_set(1+idx(2));
                elseif ng_pos == 3
                    num1 = num2str(numC); num2 = num2str(numA); num3 = num2str(numB); num4 = num2str(numD); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(2); operand2 = sign_set(1); operand3 = sign_set(3);
                    num1 = num2str(numC); num2 = num2str(numD); num3 = num2str(numA); num4 = num2str(numB); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(3); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(1);
            elseif dice == 5
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numA > 99 || numA < 1 
                    numB = randi([3 6]);
                    numA0 = randi([31 99]);
                    numA = numA0 * numB;
                    numC = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = (numA/numB) - numC - ans;
                num_set = [numC numD];
                sign_set = ['/' '-' '-'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                num1 = num2str(numA); num2 = num2str(numB); num3 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num4 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); 
                operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
            elseif dice > 5 && dice < 8
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numA > 99 || numA < 1 
                    numB = randi([3 6]);
                    numA0 = randi([31 99]);
                    numA = numA0 * numB;
                    numC = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = ans - numC + (numA/numB);
                num_set = [numC numD];
                sign_set = ['-' '/' '+'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                if rem(dice,2)
                    num1 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num2 = num2str(numA); num3 = num2str(numB); num4 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
                    num1 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num2 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); num3 = num2str(numA); num4 = num2str(numB); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(3); operand2 = sign_set(1); operand3 = sign_set(2);
            elseif dice == 8
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numA > 99 || numA < 1 
                    numB = randi([3 6]);
                    numA0 = randi([31 99]);
                    numA = numA0 * numB;
                    numC = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = numC - ans - (numA/numB);
                sign_set = ['-' '-' '/'];
                num1 = num2str(numC); num2 = num2str(numD); num3 = num2str(numA); num4 = num2str(numB); 
                operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
            elseif dice >8 && dice < 11
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numA > 99 || numA < 1 
                    numB = randi([1 9]);
                    numC = randi([1 9]);
                    numA0 = randi([1 9]);
                    numA = numA0 * numB * numC;
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = ans - (numA/(numB*numC));
                num_set = [numB numC];
                sign_set = ['/' 'x' '+'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                if rem(dice,2)
                    num1 = num2str(numA); num2 = ['(' num2str(num_set(idx(1)))]; num3 = [num2str(num_set(idx(2))) ')']; num4 = num2str(numD); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
                    num1 = num2str(numD); num2 = num2str(numA); num3 = ['(' num2str(num_set(idx(1)))]; num4 = [num2str(num_set(idx(2))) ')'];  
                    operand1 = sign_set(3); operand2 = sign_set(1); operand3 = sign_set(2);
            elseif dice == 11
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numA > 99 || numA < 1 
                    numB = randi([3 6]);
                    numC = randi([3 9]);
                    numA0 = randi([31 99]);
                    numA = numA0 * numB;
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = numC*((numA/numB)-ans);
                sign_set = ['/' '-' '/'];
                num1 = num2str(numA); num2 = num2str(numB); num3 = num2str(numD); num4 = num2str(numC); 
                operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
            elseif dice == 12
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numA > 99 || numA < 1 
                    numA = randi([10 99]); 
                    numB = randi([3 9]);
                    numC = randi([3 6]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = ((numA*numB)+ans)*numC;
                sign_set = ['/' '-' 'x'];
                num1 = num2str(numD); num2 = num2str(numC); num3 = num2str(numA); num4 = num2str(numB); 
                operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
            elseif dice == 13 
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1 || numC > 99 || numC < 1 
                    numA = randi([10 99]); 
                    numB = randi([3 6]);
                    numC0 = randi([10 99]);
                    numC = numC0*numB;
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = ((numA*numC)/numB)-ans;
                sign_set = ['x' '/' '-'];
                num1 = num2str(numC); num2 = num2str(numA); num3 = num2str(numB); num4 = num2str(numD); 
                operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
            elseif dice > 13 && dice < 17
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1
                    numA = randi([10 99]);
                    numB = randi([10 99]);
                    numC = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = numA + numB + numC - ans;
                num_set = [numA numB numC];
                sign_set = ['+' '+' '-'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                ng_pos = randi([1 3]);
                if ng_pos == 1
                    num1 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num2 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); num3 = num2str(num_set(idx(3))); num4 = num2str(numD); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
                elseif ng_pos == 2
                    num1 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num2 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); num3 = num2str(numD); num4 = num2str(num_set(idx(3))); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(3); operand3 = sign_set(2);
                    num1 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num2 = num2str(numD); num3 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); num4 = num2str(num_set(idx(3))); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(3); operand2 = sign_set(1); operand3 = sign_set(2);
            elseif dice > 16 && dice < 23
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1
                    numA = randi([10 99]);
                    numB = randi([10 99]);
                    numC = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = numA + numB - numC - ans;
                num_set1 = [numA numB]; num_set2 = [numC numD];
                sign_set = ['+' '-' '-'];
                idx1 = randperm(numel(num_set1)); idx2 = randperm(numel(num_set2));
                ng_pos = randi([1 3]);
                if ng_pos == 1
                    num1 = num2str(num_set1(idx1(1))); num2 = num2str(num_set1(idx1(2))); num3 = num2str(num_set2(idx2(1))); num4 = num2str(num_set2(idx2(2))); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
                elseif ng_pos == 2
                    num1 = num2str(num_set1(idx1(1))); num2 = num2str(num_set2(idx2(1))); num3 = num2str(num_set1(idx1(2))); num4 = num2str(num_set2(idx2(2))); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(2); operand2 = sign_set(1); operand3 = sign_set(3);
                    num1 = num2str(num_set1(idx1(1))); num2 = num2str(num_set2(idx2(1))); num3 = num2str(num_set2(idx2(2))); num4 = num2str(num_set1(idx1(2))); 
                    operand1 = sign_set(2); operand2 = sign_set(3); operand3 = sign_set(1);
                while numD > 99 || numD < 1
                    numA = randi([10 99]);
                    numB = randi([10 99]);
                    numC = randi([10 99]);
                    ans = randi([0 9]);
                    numD = numA - numB - numC - ans;
                num_set = [numB numC numD];
                sign_set = ['-' '-' '-'];
                idx = randperm(numel(num_set));
                num1 = num2str(numA); num2 = num2str(num_set(idx(1))); num3 = num2str(num_set(idx(2))); num4 = num2str(num_set(idx(3))); 
                operand1 = sign_set(1); operand2 = sign_set(2); operand3 = sign_set(3);
            warning('Unexpected level of difficulty');
    finalAnswer = ans;

  3. #3
    Responsable technique

    Re : Test de stroop sous Matlab


    J'imagine que tu vas utiliser un GUI.
    Tu peux alors utiliser la fonction @rand pour choisir couleurs et mots à afficher.
    La mise à jour peut se faire directement depuis le call-back des boutons utilisés par l'utilisateur.
    La mesure du temps de réponse peut se faire à partir des instructions tic/toc ou @clock.

    Personnellement, je n'étudie pas un code non-commenté
    Deux pattes c'est une diode, trois pattes c'est un transistor, quatre pattes c'est une vache.

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