Our problem is to optimize a mathematical function with the method of search tabou in Matlab the first step;
I am searching for the minimum global of this function to consider an initial solution (our function with two variables) ,I plot the geometry of the function With the mesh and meshgrid in Matlab, the initial solution is (1,1)
- I cannot determine the size of the tabo list, I try lot of time but I cannot
May objective are to develop a program in order to optimise the flowing function in Matlab .
Please give me a guide or idea to solve our problem thanks.
I have all steps of algorithm:
Thank youCode:Syms x y x= -2:0.1:2 y= -2:0.1:2 F(x,y)=((x-1).^2)+10*((x.^2 -y).^2); Y=F(1,1) s ← s0 sBest ← s tabuList ← [] while (not stoppingCondition()) candidateList ← [] bestCandidate ← null for (sCandidate in sNeighborhood) if ( (not tabuList.contains(sCandidate)) and (fitness(sCandidate) > fitness(bestCandidate)) ) bestCandidate ← sCandidate end if end for s ← bestCandidate if (fitness(bestCandidate) > fitness(sBest)) sBest ← bestCandidate end if tabuList.push(bestCandidate); if (tabuList.size > maxTabuSize) tabuList.removeFirst() end if end while return sBes My program and de function is : Intervalle de recherche : x= (-2,2) y= (-2,2) Program of plot the function in Matlab : >> mesh(x,y,f) >> f=((x-1).^2)+10*((x.^2 -y).^2); >> [x,y]=meshgrid(-2:.1:2,-2:.1:2); >> mesh(x,y,f);