[ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1
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[ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

  1. #1

    [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1



    A titre d'expérience (dans un premier temps), et suite à une proposition de Phys2 et mmy, voici la "citation-mystère", un fil ludique permettant à ceux qui le désirent de travailler leur anglais scientifique. Les deux règles sont simples :

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    Have fun, here we go !


  2. #2

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

    Citation Envoyé par X
    who ordered that ?
    This question was asked by a famous physicist. Who, when, and what did he mean?

    No hint to start for this first one!

  3. #3

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

    Hi there !

    I do not remember the answer right now, but I do remember it was about the growing number of particles in the decade 1930-1940. Namely, people thought they had found what would later be called a Goldstone boson, but what was actually observed did not interact strongly


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  4. #4

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

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  5. A voir en vidéo sur Futura
  6. #5

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

    I agree with humanino...
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  7. #6

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

    OK, that was an easy one for physicists I guess...

    Well, let's hope Phys2 will still agree to play with us !

  8. #7

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

    Yep yep, I got it too

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    Actually, If he had waited a little more years, he would have been quite happy with the quarks

  9. #8

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

    Il ne reste plus qu'un petit groupe de Gaulois
    i-r-r-é-d-u-c-t-i-b-l-e-s, et ils sont au KébeK, Yess !!!

    Good night everybody evrywhere...

  10. #9

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ1 : Mystery Quotation #1

    Hello everybody

    I knew this quote was pronounced about an expected particle, but I didn't remember which and who exactly

    PS : Sorry if I slaughter the english language
    If your method does not solve the problem, change the problem.

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