[ANGLAIS] MQ2 : Mystery Quotation #2 - Page 2
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[ANGLAIS] MQ2 : Mystery Quotation #2

  1. #31

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ2 : Mystery Quotation #2


    Grrr, that's not fair at all

    Ok, it doesn't matter, a new quotation is to be found to continue


  2. #32

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ2 : Mystery Quotation #2

    With a little research on the web (and some ideas about how I could find such a text ), I found it again!

    Clue: From one of the well known books on the topic!


  3. #33

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ2 : Mystery Quotation #2

    Reference book ? If that was the case, I would try

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  4. #34

    Re : [ANGLAIS] MQ2 : Mystery Quotation #2

    Correct answer, but this is a bit too far from the expected answer (1)


    (1) Since this is also to practice the language, let me make it clear that there is an intended double-meaning in the sentence...

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