Zone Alarm disables my Internet Explorer when installed.
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Zone Alarm disables my Internet Explorer when installed.

  1. #1

    Zone Alarm disables my Internet Explorer when installed.


    I have a Dell Dimension 3000 running MS XP96, and SP 3 (candidate). At present the Windows firewall is used because I cannot seem to find a helpful alternative. But I would install Zone Alarm if I knew how.
    First, i have some applications:Google Updater;Qwest Quick Care;Belarc Advisor;Real Alternative;Foxit reader;Secunia PSI . I used to have Counterspy and Spyware Doctor, but Zone Alarm anounced that they conflicted with it. I uninstallled them.
    QUESTION: When i download Zone Alarm, it turns off my Internet Explorer. Can anyone help me get Zone Alarm going along with Internet Explorer and all the above applications? Please help: Advise.

    Thanks a lot: Robb


  2. #2
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    Re : Zone Alarm disables my Internet Explorer when installed.

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