Detecting step motor effort
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Detecting step motor effort

  1. #1

    Detecting step motor effort


    I'm working on a project using steper motor which turn a threaded shaft (long screw) in order to open or close a water valve (high flow, high pressure).

    My fear is that, after a long time of use, the grease on the threaded shaft will dissapear and it can became hard for the stepper motor to rotate correctly the threaded shaft.

    In order to tell the user to add grease, I have to know when the stepper needs more effort than before to rotate the threaded shaft. So, would it be possible to detect the "effort" made by the stepper in order to get this information on the Arduino?

    Any ideas are welcomed!


  2. #2

    Re : Detecting step motor effort

    Hello Wilma902

    Welcome on the forum.

    Citation Envoyé par Wilma902 Voir le message
    I'm working on a project using steper motor ...
    Your question has been moved because misplaced.

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