Description anglais.
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Description anglais.

  1. #1

    Post Description anglais.


    Bonjour à tous, est-ce que quel qu'un peut regarder cela est éventuellement me le corriger. Le but est d'écrire 100 mots ou plus.

    Sujet: Décrire un film de votre choix.

    300 is an american film realized by Zack Snyder.
    This film is an action movie not to mention it tells facts history, as for example of famous battles, etc.
    To cut a long story short this film; Leonidas became a king of Sparta following the Spartan ritual events of which he is the winner. He learns of a messenger whom Persian king Xerxes intends to invade Greece and to subject its city. Against the opinion of the oracle, he leaves on the meeting of the enemy with 300 soldiers who compose his personal guard. He chooses to fight the enemy army in the narrow and rocky passage of Thermopyles. In front of the gigantic army of the Persian invader, the resistance is heroic but discouraged.
    I'd like to conclude by saying that this movie is at once bloodthirsty but moving.
    In a word it is « incredible ».

    En attente de vos corrections.



  2. #2

    Question Re : Description anglais.

    Quelqu'un peut y jeter un coup d'œil S.V.P.

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