Bonsoir à tous, voici l'idée de mon sujet: nous devons écrire à un ami très proche pour lui expliquer une drôle de situation. Notre émettrice, qui s'avère être une femme travail comme une folle pour tenir la maison au propre. Entre temps elle doit lever les enfants, les lavés, les habillés, les faire déjeuner, les amenés à l'école. De plus elle doit aller travailler puis refaire comme le matin mais dans le sens inverse des choses, pendant que son mari ne fait rien, et qu'il est avachit devant sa télé. Le soir pendant que celle-ci fait la vaisselle, son mari hurle depuis le salon, que s'il la coince avec un autre homme, il la tuera. Voici la lettre qu'elle écrit à son ami, décrivant cette situation:
January, 04th 2010
Dear James,
I write you this letter to explain my difficult situation. You are my best friend and the only to understand me.
So, I have got a big problem with my husband, I say my husband because I am speechless to name by his first name. Here is the matter, I am busy as a bee all day a long while His Majesty is loll in an armchair. When I come home after the work, he says me anything, even not “I love you” or “My love”, truly not … it's very disappointing! And yesterday for the first time for years, he said something, but it was very nasty, astonishing, strange but true, I am at a loss for words; he shrilled word for word “If I ever catch you with another man, I'll kill you!”. On the spot all was ashamed in my head, I was in a cold sweat about it. I don't understand his reaction and I am in shock!
So that I was furious after him, I believed that I gone get the kitchen knife and stab him. But after reflection I said to myself which future for our children, a dead father and a mother in prison. No, nothing of all this. Later I thought of killing him by giving him onions, because of his food allergies, he would not have held out because he's no spring chicken.
I don't know what to do, I can't make up my mind.
Dear! Simply the divorce, because it cannot any more continued like that. Everybody finds his account here except me there. Soon, after your answer, I book an appointment with a barrister for the divorce proceedings. I'm a little apprehensive but it is the best solution.
How do you rate it? Wish me luck!
Lots of love from Shannon.