C'est en ce moment et ça va être archiver pour être visionner à volonté !
* How did the Universe Begin?
* How did life arise?
* How does life evolve?
* What is the Origin of Human Uniqueness?
* What is the origin of disease?
* How does consciousness arise?
* How do human institutions arise and develop?
* What will be the technologies of the future?
Super symposium en Arizona avec Hawking, Brian Greene, Steven Weinberg, Paul Davies etc....
Saturday April 4: Symposium (Conference Rooms at Symposium)
* 8:30 - 11:35 a.m. Session 2: The Galaxy, Planets and Life
o 8:30 - 9:20 a.m. Panel 1: Do we have a successful theory of Galaxy and star formation and how will we know
Moderator: Lawrence Krauss
1. Ben Moore: How low can we go? Can we understand galaxy formation in a CDM Universe?
2. Carlos Frenk: Dark matter rules
3. Joe Silk: Outstanding Puzzles, IMF etc
4. Rogier Windhorst: JWST and its promise
o 9:20 - 10:20 a.m.
Panel 2: How common are Earth-like planets?
Moderator: Ariel Anbar
1. Alex Halliday: When do solar systems form Earth-like planets?
2. David Stevenson: Can moonless "Earths" support life?
3. Ed Young: What are the building blocks of Earth-like planets?
4. Steve Desch: Where do planets get their water, and where can most liquid water be found?
5. Phil Christensen: Was Mars ever "Earth-like"?
6. Jade Bond: Is the chemistry of our Solar System unusual or unique?. TBD.
o 10:20 - 10:35 a.m. Break
o 10:35 - 11:35 a.m.
Panel 3 How Does Life Originate and How Do We Recognize It?
Moderator: Kip Hodges
1. Baruch Blumberg: What will it take to know about life elsewhere in the universe?
2. Paul Davies: Is the life we know the only life there is?
3. Antonio Lazcano: How do we define the transition from a pre-biotic to a biotic Earth?
4. Steve Mojzsis: Paleontologic evidence notwithstanding, what was the earliest life on Earth?
5. Everett Shock: Are there definitive biosignatures for life on other planets and, if so, what are they?
* 2:15 - 5 p.m. Session 3: Origin of Species, Evolution, Human Origins
o 2:15 - 3:10 p.m. Panel 1: Origin and Evolution of Life and Phenotypic Innovations
Moderator: Manfred Laubichler
1. George Poste: Can we design new cells from scratch?
2. Doug Erwin: Extinction and the Origin and Diversification of Body Plans
3. Kevin Peterson: Complexity and Constraints in Animal Evolution
4. Randy Nesse: Disease as a by-product of social organization?
5. Peter Ward: Evolution
o Break 3:10 -3:20 p.m.
o 3:20 - 4:05 p.m. Panel 2: Origin and Evolution of Sociality
Moderator: Jürgen Gadau
1. Richard Dawkins: Darwin´s Dilemma: How can we explain altruistic behavior?
2. Bert Hölldobler: The Origin of Eusociality as a Major Transition in Evolution
3. Joan Strassmann: Cooperation and Conflict: Two Intertwined Themes in Social Evolution
4. David Queller: Are the Basic Evolutionary Principles that Explain the Evolution of Social Life True for Bacterial Mats, Slime Molds, Eusocial Insects, and Primates, including Humans?
o 4:05 - 5 p.m.
Panel 3: What is the origin of human uniqueness?
Q: What, from the point of view of your specialty, does it mean to be human?
William Kimbel moderator.
1. Alan Rodgers
2. John Fleagle
3. Ian Tattersall
4. Don Johanson
5. Curtis Marean