Je ne sais pas si on peut qualifier celles-ci de tuyères orientables (et donc de poussée vectorielle) mais d’après le rapport de l’ESA de mai 2011, les deux tuyères de chacune des nacelles du Skylon peuvent changer leur position à la fois en lacet et en tangage de + ou – 3 degrés.
Cordialement[...] The engines are mounted in cambered axisymmetric nacelles in the wingtips. Control of the vehicle while in the atmosphere is achieved by foreplanes in pitch, ailerons in roll, and an aft mounted all moving fin in yaw. The rocket engine exhaust nozzles are gimballed individually but move together within each nacelle and are designed for ±3 deg movement in pitch and yaw. The nozzles are ‘frozen’ during the air breathing ascent but become ‘live’ during the rocket ascent. During the rocket ascent main engine gimballing takes over progressively from the aero controls as the dynamic pressure reduces, until finally reaction control thrusters take over at main engine cut-off. [...]