[Immunologie] Pourquoi choisir BALB/c comme fond génétique
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Pourquoi choisir BALB/c comme fond génétique

  1. #1

    Pourquoi choisir BALB/c comme fond génétique



    j'aurais aimé savoir pourquoi, pour certaines études, le fond génétique BALB/c est privilégié (au lieu de C57BL/6 par ex)? Ce fond est très souvent utilisé en cancéro, immuno, mais pourquoi? A t il des susceptibilités particulières? Un génome particulier?

    merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.



  2. #2

    Re : Pourquoi choisir BALB/c comme fond génétique

    Alors tout d'abord, le fait que des études utilisent telle ou telle souche ne veut pas forcément dire que c'est la plus adaptée pour ce type de protocole, il peut s'agir de la disponibilité de la souche, ou d'une souche transgénique qui existe déjà sur ce fond là, du coup pas besoin de faire de backcross.

    Ensuite, il y a effectivement des différences génétiques à l'origine d'un phénotype qui peut changer entre les souches. Sur le site du jackson lab, il y a énormément d'informations sur les caractéristiques des souches.
    Pour les BALB/c, on peut lire par exemple :

    Related Genotype: A/A Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b Tyrc/Tyrc

    BALB/c mice are particularly well known for the production of plasmacytomas following injection with mineral oil forming the basis for the production of monoclonal antibodies. Although not all BALB/c substrains have been examined for plasmacytoma induction, substrains derived from the Andervont (An) lineage (which includes BALB/cByJ) typically are susceptible, while those descended from BALB/cJ are resistant (see: Potter M ,1985). Mammary tumor incidence is normally low but infection with mammary tumor virus by fostering to MMTV+ C3H mice dramatically increases tumor number and age of onset. BALB/c mice develop other cancers later in life including reticular neoplasms, primary lung tumors, and renal tumors. Rare spontaneous myoepitheliomas arising from myoepithelial cells of various exocrine glands have been observed in both BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ substrains.

    White et al. reported a variation in thioglycolate medium-induced peritoneal leukocyte recruitment in 4 analyzed strains. The response of total leukocyte recruitment, from greatest to least, was C57BL/6J>BALB/c>CD1>129X1/SvJ. Variations were also found in the timeline of response and cell types most impacted.

    Dorso-ventral vaginal septa is observed in some BALB/cJ females, and may contribute to non-productive females in this strain. (Cunliffe-Beamer T, Lab Anim Sci, 1976)
    ou encore
    assigned by genotype
    either: BALB/cByJ or BALB/cJ
    nervous system phenotype
    abnormal dendrite morphology
    abnormally positioned by being late-generated (MGI Ref ID J:12029)
    cell bodies are located below the intrapyramidal mossy fiber layer (MGI Ref ID J:12029)
    abnormal hippocampus morphology (MGI Ref ID J:13989)
    abnormal hippocampal mossy fiber morphology (MGI Ref ID J:12029)
    abnormal hippocampus CA3 region morphology
    there is abnormal lamination of this cell layer resulting in superficial early generated neurons and deep late-generated neurons (MGI Ref ID J:12029)
    abnormal hippocampus layer morphology
    the anomaly is also seen in BALB/cByJ, F1 mice involving BALB sublines noted, and some CXB RI lines; C57BL/6J is considered wild-type for this feature (MGI Ref ID J:13989)
    this is secondary to a defect in neuronal migration (MGI Ref ID J:13989)
    ectopic hippocampus pyramidal cells
    located below the intrapyramidal layer; some of the ectopic cells have short, fine-caliber dendritic branches arising near the points of contact of the intrapyramidal mossy fibers (MGI Ref ID J:12029)
    abnormal neuronal migration (MGI Ref ID J:13989)
    Research Applications
    This mouse can be used to support research in many areas including:
    Cancer Research
    Increased Tumor Incidence
    Mammary Gland Tumors: late onset
    Research Tools
    General Purpose
    Neurobiology Research
    Behavioral and Learning Defects
    high anxiety
    Immunology and Inflammation Research
    Cancer Research
    Increased Tumor Incidence
    Mammary Gland Tumors
    Cardiovascular Research
    Diet-Induced Atherosclerosis
    Relatively Resistant
    Neurobiology Research
    Neurodevelopmental Defects
    callosal agenesis, incomplete penetrance
    Research Tools
    Cancer Research
    monoclonal antibodies, myeloma and hybridoma production

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