Bonjour à tout le monde,
J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide: je m'explique. J'ai obtenu mon BTS agroalimentaire cet été et je me suis aventurée dans une licence pro en Angleterre. Nous avons un module intitulé Food processing and Automation. On a un exo à faire mais n'ayant jamais fait de programmation ou d'automatisme auparavant je n'y comprends rien et en plus , c'est en anglais. On me parle de gain, de proportional band, de K, Proportional Integral Derivative.
Est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider avec un vocabulaire très simple. Je viens d'agroalimentaire et pas d' je tiens vraiment à comprendre!
Je vous laisse apprécier le sujet. Avis à ceux qui parlent l' ça fait 2mois que je suis ici et c'est pas encore ça!
You are a technical manager in a food factory and you have noticed that the temperature of a storage area is lower than it should be. This is very unusual. The Set Point on the temperature controller appears to be correct at 18°C but the controler is switching off the heater in the room when it reaches 15°C. You callan engineer who investigates the problem.
Engineers report - The 3 term process controller was replaced on the last shift as it had become wet during a cleaning routine and has shorted out. The engineer who replaced the controller is multi-skilled but is not a specialist in control systems. The new controller is configured to run on proportional only control with a low level of sensitivity (100% proportional band). As a result the controller was generating "offset" from the setpoint.
I have altered the sensitivity on the controller to a 5% proportional band and the offset has now reduced to1°C.
Question- Predict the effect of the engineers adjustment to the sensitivity of the proportional only controller by sketching the graph of the temperature in the room which has its door opened every 5 minutes during the shift and a blast of cold air enters the room. Each vertical line of the graph should represent 1 minute.
Est ce que quelqu'un y comprend qqchose???