reference de microcontroleur*?? *je supose.
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reference de microcontroleur*?? *je supose.

  1. #1

    bonjours a tous,
    voila jai recuperer des C.I 40 pattes,
    mais je n'arrive pa a differencier les references utile des autres
    si qql peut m'aider , voici les references:

    M5l8042 - 199p
    820 M x1172
    3032 - 2000
    korea A
    00-02 8819
    RCA Z
    WD1 0 15-pl
    37A -02 8812
    PRGM 12.5V
    Intel 77
    voila et si ca interaisse qq1!??
    merci d'avance


  2. #2

    tout ce qui commence par WD= western digital

    le 8742 :
    The Intel 8742 is a general-purpose Universal Peripheral Interface that allows designers to grow their own customized solution for peripheral device control. It contains a low-cost microcomputer with 2K of program memory, 128 bytes of data memory, 8-bit timer/counter, and clock generator in a single 40-pin package. Interface registers are included to enable the UPI device to function as a peripheral controller in the MCS® 48, MCS 51, MCS 80, MCS 85, 8088, 8086 and other 8-, and 16-bit systems. The 8742 is software, pin, and architecturally compatible with the 8741A. The 8742 doubles the on-chip memory space to allow for additional features and performance to be incorporated in upgraded 8741A designs. For new designs, the additional memory and performance of the 8742 extends the UPI concept to more complex motor control tasks, 80-column printers and process control applications as examples.

    Intel currently manufactures the CHMOS III version of the 8742, the 87C42. The 8742 is no longer in production, but the 87C42 is a direct drop-in replacement.


    The CDP1802 is an 8-bit microprocessor manufactured by HARRIS Semiconductor, designed for embedded applications. Some of its features are: 8-bit parallel organisation with bidirectional data bus and multiplexed address bus; static design -- no minimum clock frequency; bit-programmable output port; four input pins which are directly tested by branch instructions; flexible programmable I/O mode; single-phase clock, with on-chip oscillator; 16 x 16 register matrix to implement multiple program counters, pointers, or register

    An extremely simple microprocessor fabricated in CMOS, which allowed it to run at 6.4 MHz (at 10V, but very fast for 1974) or suspended with the clock stopped. It was an 8 bit processor, with 16-bit addressing but the major features were its extreme simplicity, and the flexibility of its large register set. Simplicity was the primary design goal, and in that sense it was one of the first RISC chips. It had sixteen 16-bit registers, which could be accessed as thirty-two 8-bit registers, and an accumulator D used for arithmetic and memory access - memory to D, then D to registers and vice versa, using one 16-bit register as an address. This led to one person describing the 1802 as having 32 bytes of RAM and 65535 I/O ports. A 4-bit control register P selected any one general register as the program counter, while control registers X and N selected registers for I/O Index and the operand for the current instruction. All instructions were 8 bits - a 4-bit op code (total of 16 operations) and 4-bit operand register stored in N. There was no real conditional branching, no subroutine support and no actual stack but clever use of the register set allowed these to be implemented - for example, changing P to another register allowed jump to a subroutine. Similarly, on an interrupt P and X were saved, then R1 and R2 were selected for P and X until an RTI restored them.

    The RCA 1805 was an enhanced version.

    Apart from the COSMAC (VIP?) microcomputer kit, the 1802 saw action in some video games from RCA and Radio Shack. It was used in the DREAM 6800 and ETI-660 computers and is also the heart of the Voyager, Viking and Galileo probes. One reason for this is that the 1802 was also fabricated on sapphire (Silicon on Sapphire), which leads to radiation and static resistance, ideal for space operation.


    que faire avec çà ???????????,,

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