Bonjour tout le monde,
j'aimerais que mon afficheur soit connecté sur le microcontrôleur pic18f4520 comme suit :
Partie data
D7 --> PORB3
D6 --> PORB2
D5 --> PORB1
D4 --> PORB0
Partie commande
EN --> PORA3
RW --> PORA2
J'ai réussis à contrôler la partie commande mais la partie data ne marche pas comme je le veux.
Elle fonctionne unique lorsqu'il est connecté sur le microcontrôleur comme suit:
D7 --> PORB7
D6 --> PORB6
D5 --> PORB5
D4 --> PORB4
Quelqu'un peut me dire ce qui ne marche pas svp ?
Code:CODE: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define vref 5.00 /*Reference Voltage is 5V*/ #define RS PORTBbits.RB3 /*PIN 0 of PORTB is assigned for register select Pin of LCD*/ #define EN PORTAbits.RA3 #define RW PORTAbits.RA2/*PIN 1 of PORTB is assigned for enable Pin of LCD */ #define ldata PORTB /*PORTB(PB4-PB7) is assigned for LCD Data Output*/ void LCD_Init() { TRISB=00000000; //LCD_Port = 0; /*PORT as Output Port*/ TRISAbits.RA2=0x0; TRISAbits.RA3=0x0; MSdelay(15); /*15ms,16x2 LCD Power on delay*/ LCD_Command(0x02); /*send for initialization of LCD for nibble (4-bit) mode */ LCD_Command(0x28); /*use 2 line and initialize 5*8 matrix in (4-bit mode)*/ LCD_Command(0x01); /*clear display screen*/ LCD_Command(0x0c); /*display on cursor off*/ LCD_Command(0x06); /*increment cursor (shift cursor to right)*/ } void LCD_Command(unsigned char cmd ) { //LATB=(0<<3) | (0<2) | (1<<1)| (1<<0); //ldata=LATB; ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) |(0xF0 & cmd); /*Send higher nibble of command first to PORT*/ RS = 0; /*Command Register is selected i.e.RS=0*/ EN = 1; /*High-to-low pulse on Enable pin to latch data*/ NOP(); EN = 0; MSdelay(1); ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) | (cmd<<4); /*Send lower nibble of command to PORT */ EN = 1; NOP(); EN = 0; MSdelay(3); } void LCD_Char(unsigned char dat) { //LATB=(0<<4) | (0<5) | (1<<6)| (1<<7); //ldata=LATB; ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) | (0xF0 & dat); /*Send higher nibble of data first to PORT*/ RS = 1; /*Data Register is selected*/ EN = 1; /*High-to-low pulse on Enable pin to latch data*/ NOP(); EN = 0; MSdelay(1); ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) | (dat<<4); /*Send lower nibble of data to PORT*/ EN = 1; /*High-to-low pulse on Enable pin to latch data*/ NOP(); EN = 0; MSdelay(3); } void LCD_String(const char *msg) { while((*msg)!=0) { LCD_Char(*msg); msg++; } } void LCD_String_xy(char row,char pos,const char *msg) { char location=0; if(row<=1) { location=(0x80) | ((pos) & 0x0f); /*Print message on 1st row and desired location*/ LCD_Command(location); } else { location=(0xC0) | ((pos) & 0x0f); /*Print message on 2nd row and desired location*/ LCD_Command(location); } LCD_String(msg); } void LCD_Clear() { LCD_Command(0x01); /*clear display screen*/ MSdelay(3); } void MSdelay(unsigned int val) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<val;i++) for(j=0;j<165;j++); /*This count Provide delay of 1 ms for 8MHz Frequency */ }