[Autre] Diptrace 5.0 version bêta
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Diptrace 5.0 version bêta

  1. #1

    Diptrace 5.0 version bêta


    Bonjour à tous,
    Diptrace 5.0 est téléchargeable : https://diptrace.com/fr/download/download-diptrace/


  2. #2

    Re : Diptrace 5.0 version bêta

    Citation Envoyé par Janpolanton Voir le message
    Bonjour à tous,
    Diptrace 5.0 est téléchargeable : https://diptrace.com/fr/download/download-diptrace/
    Merci, j'ai la version 4.3 . Tu connais les différences?
    Si il y a des erreurs ci dessus, c'est que je n'ai pas eu le temps de les corriger...

  3. #3

    Re : Diptrace 5.0 version bêta

    Salut mag1,
    Je l'ai téléchargé mais pas encore essayé.
    Il y a manifestement pas mal de nouveauté, plus ou moins utiles à notre niveau d'utilisation je pense.
    Voilà la liste des changements issue de leur site :

    - Digital SPICE Simulator.- Plugins + documentation how to make plugins with any programming language.
    - Examples of plugins with source codes:
    Make solder mask openings for selected trace segments (Object Pascal, Delphi);
    Make dashed/dotted lines (C#).
    - PCB Calculator:
    Trace Width, Clearance, Current, Resistance;
    Transmission Line and Differential Pair Width, Gap, Impedance;
    Width, Length, Gap and Layer Stackup could be set by selected trace/layout settings or manually.
    - Planar Inductors: adjusting parameters and placing to layout or saving to library.
    - Cross Selection and Highlight between PCB and Schematic.
    - "Place selected by list" option in PCB Layout (allows to select blocks in Schematic and make component placement in PCB Layout by using cross selection feature).
    - Via Stitching for copper pours, polygons, board.
    - Via Shielding for traces.
    - Export Schematic and PCB to PDF directly.
    - Updating PCB from Netlist of any third-party software.
    - Assigning any copper layer shape to pad in Pattern Editor.
    - Wire/Trace color transfer between PCB and Schematic (Convert to PCB / Update from Schematic / Back annotate).
    - New and updated component libraries:
    Capacitors (Film Axial Vertical, Film Radial);
    Diodes (Axial Vertical);
    Opto (Bar Graphs, Emitters LED Light Bars);
    Opto Displays (LCD, OLED, 7-Segment LED, Dot Matrix);
    Resistors (Axial Vertical);
    Objects (Pad Special, Plated Half-Holes, Digital Spice Models).
    - New and updated pattern libraries:
    Capacitors (Axial Vertical, Molded, Radial Dipped Rectangular);
    Diodes (Axial Vertical);
    Displays (LCD, 7-Segment LED, OLED, Dot Matrix);
    LED (DIP, SIP);
    Resistors (Axial Vertical);
    Objects (Pad Special, Plated Half-Holes).
    - Push and Shove Router is not included in beta-version yet (debug and integration in process).

  4. #4

    Re : Diptrace 5.0 version bêta

    Bonjour à tous,
    Pour ceux qui sont intéressés par cette version en "freeware" 500 broches / 2 couches, il faudra demander une nouvelle clé d'enregistrement car celle qui vous a été fournie pour la version 4.x n'est pas compatible.
    Ci-dessous, j'ai volontairement masqué mes clés...

    Hello JP,

    Thank You for contacting us!

    You can use the following registration data for DipTrace Non-Profit License (Lite):

    User name: Non-profit use only

    Reg key for version 4.x: yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy

    Reg. key for version 5.x: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

    The registration data should be copied into nag-screen or Help/Register
    dialog box. If you don't have the program yet, please download it from


    With kind regards,
    Victor Savenko

    DipTrace Team
    Dernière modification par Janpolanton ; 10/03/2024 à 08h22.

  5. A voir en vidéo sur Futura
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