If you play a little with my spreedsheet you will find, that a doubleskinn heater will probably not be able to releave the heat from 25kg wood over 24 hours.
That means, that you eather will have a big loss to the chimney, or have to fire a smaller amount of wood.
To me it seems like there is one major misunderstanding in this forum still:
A bigger heater dosnt nessesary provide more heat ! In most of the cases (double skinn) its the other way arround.
Every masonry heater can provide little heat no matter how you build it. The difference is where the top limit are. This schould be adjustet to the actual need of the house.
I cannot make an internet work-shop here telling everybody every detail in masonry heater bulding. It would take fare to mutch time, compared to a regular hands-on work-shop. So i have to just talk general about it.
Remember, that many drawings of masonry heater building, has been arround USA, where the regulation force them to build double skinn.
Its not allways smart to follow the americans without thinking.