les compétences dans l'ingénierie
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les compétences dans l'ingénierie

  1. #1

    les compétences dans l'ingénierie



    Je suis étudiant de génie de construction en Pologne. J'apprends le français, mais je ne sais pas bien, si j'écris en anglais.

    Sorry, if I create topic in wrong section but my French doesn't let me navigate fluently on forum. I'm writting to get some information about system of rights and permissions in building industry in France.

    I study civil engineering and I have opportunity to continue studies at École des Ponts ParisTech but I wonder how things going later. How long have I take practice after graduate to be rightful engineer in France? Is it any possibility to be able to work both as civil engineer and architect? I know that there is such possibility in some country in Europe Union; for example you have to practise 2-3 years to get permission to engineer and further 2-3 for architect's rights. How is it in France? I hope that I express my thoughts quite clear

    Thanks for replies
    Meilleurs Salutations


  2. #2

    Re : les compétences dans l'ingénierie


    I can't answer really correctly as I didn't do my studies in this school. i think, if you can, that you should change the title of your topic. Indeed, with this title, people who know this school can't know that you talk about it in your message. I suggest you to change it by "Question sur l'école des ponts et chaussées de Paris". With this, people who made their studies in this school may be answer you.

    I hope you will have some answers. But I can tell you that this school is one of the most famous in France, and it's a real chance to enter it! It's really difficult to get in it!

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