si j'en crois cet article de wikipedia, je comprend que finalement le but de la jauge de lorenz n'était pas de rendre covariantes les équations de maxwell (au niveau des potentiels) (c'était impossible d'avoir ce but avec une RR pas encore trouvée !)....
... mais bel et bien d'introduire un retard dans le potentiel coulombien et une symétrie dans les équations de maxwell, et que c'est en fait la covariance qui est un constat ultérieur après les transformation de lorenTz.
When originally published, Lorenz's work was not received well by James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell had eliminated the Coulomb electrostatic force from his derivation of the electromagnetic wave equation since he was working in what would nowadays be termed the Coulomb gauge. The Lorenz gauge hence contradicted Maxwell's original derivation of the EM wave equation by introducing a retardation effect to the Coulomb force and bringing it inside the EM wave equation alongside the time varying electric field. Lorenz's work was the first symmetrizing shortening of Maxwell's equations after Maxwell himself published his 1865 paper. In 1888, retarded potentials came into general use after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz's experiments on electromagnetic waves. In 1895, a further boost to the theory of retarded potentials came after J. J. Thomson's interpretation of data for electrons (after which investigation into electrical phenomena changed from time-dependent electric charge and electric current distributions over to moving point charges). [2]