Je besoin d'aide concernant le calcul des nombres d"événements max et min pour différents intervalle ∆ pour un nombre d'événement R(t) sur un intervalle de temps [0,t].A la main je peux le faire mais j'ai besoin d'un petit programme sur matlab.
ceca le modèle qui explique:
For a given event stream, let R(t) denote the number of events that arrive in the time interval [0, t]. The upper arrival curve, denoted by αu gives an upper bound on the number
of events in any interval. Similarly, a lower bound on the number of events arriving is given by a lower arrival curve αl. R, αu and αl are related by the following equations:
αl(∆) = min λ≥0{R(∆ + λ) − R(λ)} (1)
αu(∆) = max λ≥0{R(∆ + λ) − R(λ)} (2)
The upper and lower arrival curves for an event stream can be computed from simulation traces. For all possible intervals ∆ we browse through the trace using a sliding window of size ∆ and keep the maximum and minimum
number of events that can be seen in the window.