Adapter USB CAN Python
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Adapter USB CAN Python

  1. #1

    Adapter USB CAN Python



    for my end of study project, I am looking for a USB to CAN adapter that I can program with the language
    Python, to send and receive frames, and creates a python application and an interface.

    I started my project with the Kvaser and PEAK adapter but I saw that they have monitors of their own and specific drivers so suddenly I can't find a datasheet to create my program.

    Thanks for your help


  2. #2

    Re : Adapter USB CAN Python

    Hello yanissinay

    Citation Envoyé par yanissinay Voir le message
    ... for my end of study project ...
    If you wish to take advantage of the forum, you must use only French.

    So, thé present question is closed, waiting for your French version.

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