POO sur Python
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POO sur Python

  1. #1

    POO sur Python


    Bonjour à tous, j'ai un problème sur l'appelation d'une fonction sur mon script. J'ai des scripts suivante :
    - Installation_Definition : Classe principale et les sous_classes des installations solaires :
    - InstallationVictron : collecte des données se fait par l'API
    - les autres : Meteocontrol, Fronius, et SMA. La collecte des données se fait manuellement puis on la lit , traite et manipuler

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    class SolarInstallation:
        # Parameters common to all installations
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name
            self.type = None
            self.data = None
            self.start = None
            self.end = None
            self.month_type = None
            self.writer = None
        def load_dates_from_report(self, master_path):
            Charge les dates de début et de fin à partir du fichier Excel maître.
            worksheet_name = self.type
                df = pd.read_excel(master_path, sheet_name=worksheet_name)
                site_data = df[df.iloc[:, 0] == self.name]
                if not site_data.empty:
                    self.start = pd.to_datetime(site_data.iloc[:, 5].values[0], format='%d/%m/%Y')
                    self.end = pd.to_datetime(site_data.iloc[:, 6].values[0], format='%d/%m/%Y')
                    print(f"Aucune donnée trouvée pour le site {self.name}")
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print(f"Fichier maître introuvable à {master_path}")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Erreur lors du chargement des dates : {e}")
        # Méthodes à implémenter dans les sous-classes
        def get_all_data(self, start, end):
            raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by subclasses!")
        def get_data_previous_month(self):
            raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by subclasses!")
        def get_data_12_months(self):
            raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by subclasses!")
        def get_and_analyze_bv_and_sy(self):
            raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by subclasses!")
        def get_soc(self):
            raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by subclasses!")
        def get_alarms(self):
            raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by subclasses!")
    class SolarInstallationMC(SolarInstallation):
        def __init__(self, name, report_type, data_path, year):
            self.report_type = report_type
            self.data_path = data_path
            self.year = year
            self.type = "meteocontrol"
        def load_dates_from_report(self, master_path):
            Charge les dates de début et de fin à partir du fichier Excel maître.
            worksheet_name = self.type
                df = pd.read_excel(master_path, sheet_name=worksheet_name)
                site_data = df[df.iloc[:, 0] == self.name]
                if not site_data.empty:
                    self.start = pd.to_datetime(site_data.iloc[:, 5].values[0], format='%d/%m/%Y')
                    self.end = pd.to_datetime(site_data.iloc[:, 6].values[0], format='%d/%m/%Y')
                    print(f"Aucune donnée trouvée pour le site {self.name}")
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print(f"Fichier maître introuvable à {master_path}")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Erreur lors du chargement des dates : {e}")
        def get_all_data(self, start=None, end=None):
            df_month = pd.read_csv(f"{self.data_path}/month_report.csv", encoding='utf-16', sep='\t', skiprows=2, on_bad_lines='skip')
            df_previous_month = pd.read_csv(f"{self.data_path}/previous_month_report.csv", encoding='utf-16', sep='\t', skiprows=2, on_bad_lines='skip')
            df_sun = pd.read_csv(f"{self.data_path}/max_production_day.csv", encoding='utf-16', sep='\t', skiprows=2, on_bad_lines='skip')
            df_conso = pd.read_csv(f"{self.data_path}/max_consumption_day.csv", encoding='utf-16', sep='\t', skiprows=2, on_bad_lines='skip')
            # Afficher les colonnes pour vérifier leur nom exact
            print("Colonnes du fichier df_month:", df_month.columns)
            df_month['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_month['Date'], errors='coerce', dayfirst=True)
            if start is not None and end is not None:
                start = pd.to_datetime(start)
                end = pd.to_datetime(end)
                target_day_sun = df_month[(df_month['Date'] >= start) & (df_month['Date'] <= end)].copy()
                target_day_conso = df_month[(df_month['Date'] >= start) & (df_month['Date'] <= end)].copy()
                target_day_sun = target_day_sun.dropna(subset=['Date'])
                target_day_conso = target_day_conso.dropna(subset=['Date'])
                # Sélectionner la première date de target_day_sun et convertir en timestamp
                if not target_day_sun.empty:
                    target_day_sun_date = target_day_sun.iloc[0]['Date']
                    s_sun = int(target_day_sun_date.timestamp())
                    e_sun = s_sun + 86400
                    s_sun, e_sun = None, None  # Valeurs par défaut si aucune date n'est trouvée
                # Sélectionner la première date de target_day_conso et convertir en timestamp
                if not target_day_conso.empty:
                    target_day_conso_date = target_day_conso.iloc[0]['Date']
                    s_conso = int(target_day_conso_date.timestamp())
                    e_conso = s_conso + 86400
                    s_conso, e_conso = None, None  # Valeurs par défaut si aucune date n'est trouvée
                # Si start et end ne sont pas fournis, retourner les données entières
                s_sun, e_sun = None, None
                s_conso, e_conso = None, None
            # Retourne les valeurs nécessaires pour l'appel dans `write_data_site`
            return df_sun, df_conso, df_month, target_day_conso, target_day_sun
    class SolarInstallationFronius(SolarInstallation):
        def __init__(self, name):
    class SolarInstallationSMA(SolarInstallation):
        def __init__(self, name):
    - Scripts Report_Generator : est executé avec d'un fichier excel macro.

    Le problème en ce moment se pose sur l'appelation du fonction get_all_data car les variables sont différent sur l'installation avec API et sans API. Comment résoudre le problème sur cette fonction

    Argument passé à get_report_type: Antana Production, master_path: G:/.shortcut-targets-by-id/12F2rxDjhgWoKdVhzLQxaPsc1FL1nWr9H/17- Technique/3 - SAV/3 - Rapports de production/3 - Outil de rapport/Projet_SAV/#Master_Report Generator.xlsm
    Type de rapport obtenu : 1m
    Feuilles disponibles dans le fichier : ['victron energy', 'Fronius', 'SMA', 'meteocontrol']
    Valeurs de récapitulatif obtenues pour Antana Production : ['Antana Production', 'Oui', 'Non', 'Non', '1 mois', Timestamp('2024-09-01 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2024-09-30 00:00:00'), 200.2, 440.0, '7 x ECO 27.0-3-S', Timestamp('2022-09-01 00:00:00'), 'JA Solar 455Wp', nan, nan, nan, nan, 431, -18.912, 47.527, 'crystSi', 14, 'building', 35, 0, 2005, 2020, nan, nan, nan]
    Fichier du rapport cree
    Aide rapport terminée
    Colonnes du fichier df_month: Index(['Date', 'Economies GASOIL (l) [l]', 'Economies JIRAMA (kWh) [kWh]',
           'Energie consommées totale [kWh]', 'Energie Export JIRAMA [kWh]',
           'Energie GE [kWh]', 'Energie Import JIRAMA [kWh]',
           'Energie PV directement consommées [kWh]', 'Energie PV totale [kWh]',
           'Irradiation [Wh/m²]'],
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "G:\.shortcut-targets-by-id\12F2rxDjhgWoKdVhzLQxaPsc1FL1nWr9H\17- Technique\3 - SAV\3 - Rapports de production\3 - Outil de rapport\Projet_SAV\Projet_SAV\Scripts\Report_Generation_MC.py", line 87, in <module>
      File "G:\.shortcut-targets-by-id\12F2rxDjhgWoKdVhzLQxaPsc1FL1nWr9H\17- Technique\3 - SAV\3 - Rapports de production\3 - Outil de rapport\Projet_SAV\Projet_SAV\Scripts\Report_Generation_MC.py", line 79, in main
        generate_report(master_path, template_path, result_path, test_installation)
      File "G:\.shortcut-targets-by-id\12F2rxDjhgWoKdVhzLQxaPsc1FL1nWr9H\17- Technique\3 - SAV\3 - Rapports de production\3 - Outil de rapport\Projet_SAV\Projet_SAV\Report_Generation\Report_Generator.py", line 327, in generate_report
        fill_data(report_file, recap_values, installation)
      File "G:\.shortcut-targets-by-id\12F2rxDjhgWoKdVhzLQxaPsc1FL1nWr9H\17- Technique\3 - SAV\3 - Rapports de production\3 - Outil de rapport\Projet_SAV\Projet_SAV\Report_Generation\Report_Generator.py", line 219, in fill_data
        write_data_site(writer, installation, start, end)
      File "G:\.shortcut-targets-by-id\12F2rxDjhgWoKdVhzLQxaPsc1FL1nWr9H\17- Technique\3 - SAV\3 - Rapports de production\3 - Outil de rapport\Projet_SAV\Projet_SAV\Report_Generation\Report_Generator.py", line 196, in write_data_site
        s_sun, e_sun = int(target_day_sun.timestamp()), int(target_day_sun.timestamp()) + 86400
      File "C:\Users\elino\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py", line 6299, in __getattr__
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
    AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'timestamp'. Did you mean: 'to_timestamp'?
    Merci d'avance à tous


  2. #2

    Re : POO sur Python

    L'erreur a lieu dans une partie du code que tu n'as pas posté et elle est très bien expliquée par le message d'erreur : tu appelles .timestamp() sur un dataframe alors que tu voulais sans doute l'appeler sur une date (comme tu le fais dans le code que tu as posté).

  3. #3

    Re : POO sur Python

    Oui, voici le code du Report_Generator, dans la fonction fill_data, le start et end sont definir et calculer pour obtenir la période du rapport analysé (c'est pour l'installation qui a de l'API). Mais ce n'est pas le cas sur les sites qui n'ont pas de l'API (Meteocontrol, solarweb(FRONIUS) et SMA) :

    from Core.Installation_Definition import SolarInstallation
    from Data_Collection.collectors.PV_Gis import get_irradiance_pv_gis
    from Report_Generation.Chart_Generation import create_charts
    # le master_generator
    def get_recap_values(master_path, installation):
        worksheet_name = installation.type  # Assurez-vous que installation.type est défini
            # Lister toutes les feuilles disponibles dans le fichier Excel
            xl = pd.ExcelFile(master_path)
            print(f"Feuilles disponibles dans le fichier : {xl.sheet_names}")
            # Vérifier si la feuille existe avant de lire
            if worksheet_name not in xl.sheet_names:
                print(f"La feuille {worksheet_name} n'existe pas dans le fichier.")
                return None
            # Lire la feuille spécifiée
            df = pd.read_excel(master_path, sheet_name=worksheet_name)
            # Filtrer les données correspondant à l'installation
            recap_values_array = df[df.iloc[:, 0] == installation.name]
            if recap_values_array.empty:
                print(f"Aucune donnée trouvée pour l'installation {installation.name} dans la feuille {worksheet_name}")
                return None
            # Extraire les valeurs récapitulatives
            recap_values = recap_values_array.iloc[0].tolist()
            print(f"Valeurs de récapitulatif obtenues pour {installation.name} : {recap_values}")
            return recap_values
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"Le fichier maître à {master_path} est introuvable.")
            return None
        except IndexError:
            print(f"Problème avec l'indexation des valeurs récapitulatives pour {installation.name}.")
            return None
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Erreur inattendue lors de la récupération des valeurs récapitulatives : {e}")
            return None
    def create_report_file(installation, template_path, recap_values, result_path):
        # Load the workbook
        workbook = load_workbook(template_path)
        # Save a copy of the workbook that will be the report
        file_name = f'{result_path}/{installation.name}_{recap_values[5].year}_{recap_values[5].month}_{installation.report_type}.xlsx'
            # Copy the template to the destination
        shutil.copy(template_path, file_name)
        # Load the copied workbook
        workbook = load_workbook(file_name)
        # Save the workbook (this step might be redundant but ensures any changes are saved)
        # Return name of the report file
        return file_name
    def fill_aide_rapport (path_rapport, recap_values, installation):
        template_xlsx = load_workbook(path_rapport)
        worksheet = template_xlsx['Aide Rapport']
        # Insallation information
        worksheet['B2'] = installation.name
        worksheet['B7'] = recap_values[7]
        worksheet['B8'] = recap_values[8]
        worksheet['B9'] = recap_values[9]
        worksheet['B10'] = recap_values[10]
        worksheet['D7'] = recap_values[12]
        worksheet['D8'] = recap_values[13]
        worksheet['D9'] = recap_values[14]
        worksheet['D10'] = recap_values[15]
        worksheet['D11'] = recap_values[16]
        worksheet['D4'] = recap_values[17]
        # Useful dates
        # Calculate the start and end dates of the previous month
        s_previous_month = (recap_values[5].replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).replace(day=1)
        e_previous_month = recap_values[5].replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
        worksheet['D1'] = s_previous_month.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        worksheet['E1'] = e_previous_month.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        # Calculate the start and end dates of two months prior
        s_previous_2month = (s_previous_month.replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).replace(day=1)
        e_previous_2month = s_previous_month.replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
        worksheet['D2'] = s_previous_2month.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        worksheet['E2'] = e_previous_2month.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        #Calculate the list of dates that will be useful
        if installation.report_type =='1m':
            date_list = pd.date_range(start=recap_values[5], end=recap_values[6]).strftime('%d/%m/%Y').tolist()
            for ii, date in enumerate(date_list):
                cell = worksheet.cell(row=17+ii, column=1)
                cell.value = date
            worksheet['B1'] = date_list[0]
            worksheet['C1'] = date_list[-1]
        elif installation.report_type =='3m':
            date_ranges = [
                    (recap_values[5], (recap_values[5] + timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)),
                    ((recap_values[5] + timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1), (recap_values[5] + timedelta(days=62)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)),
                    ((recap_values[5] + timedelta(days=62)).replace(day=1), recap_values[6])
            for idx, (start_date, end_date) in enumerate(date_ranges):
                date_list = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date).strftime('%d/%m/%Y').tolist()
                for ii, date in enumerate(date_list):
                    worksheet.cell(row=17+ii, column=12+idx, value=date)
                if date_list:
                    worksheet['C1'] = date_list[-1]
                    print("La liste date_list est vide.")
                    worksheet['C1'] = "Valeur par défaut"
    # get timestamps (start and end)
    def get_start_time(start_xlsx):
        timezone = "Indian/Antananarivo"
        s = pd.to_datetime(str(start_xlsx)).tz_localize(timezone)
        s = s.tz_convert(pytz.UTC)
        s = int(s.timestamp())
        return s
    def get_end_time(end_xlsx):
        timezone = "Indian/Antananarivo"
        e = pd.to_datetime(str(end_xlsx)).tz_localize(timezone)
        e = e.tz_convert(pytz.UTC)
        e = int(e.timestamp()+3600*24-1)
        return e
    def get_unix_timestamp(dt, timezone="Indian/Antananarivo", end_of_day=False):
        Convert a given datetime to a Unix timestamp in UTC.
        :param dt: The datetime object or string to be converted.
        :param timezone: The local timezone of the input datetime.
        :param end_of_day: If True, adjust the timestamp to the end of the day.
        :return: Unix timestamp in UTC.
        dt = pd.to_datetime(str(dt)).tz_localize(timezone).tz_convert(pytz.UTC)
        if end_of_day:
            dt += timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59)
        return int(dt.timestamp())
    def write_data_site(writer, installation, start, end, rep_type=None):
        Fetch and write various data for a given installation to an Excel file.
        :param writer: ExcelWriter object to write the data.
        :param installation: The installation object from which to fetch the data.
        :param start: The start timestamp.
        :param end: The end timestamp.
        :param rep_type: Report type identifier.
        day_data_sun, day_data_conso, df_grouped_days, target_day_conso, target_day_sun = installation.get_all_data(start, end)
        #data_path_sun, data_path_conso, df_export, target_day_conso, target_day_sun = installation.get_all_data_month(month_type, writer)
        suffix = f"_{rep_type}" if rep_type else ""
        day_data_sun.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"data_sun{suffix}", index=True)
        day_data_conso.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"data_conso{suffix}", index=True)
        df_grouped_days.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"data{suffix}", index=True)
        s_sun, e_sun = int(target_day_sun.timestamp()), int(target_day_sun.timestamp()) + 86400
        s_conso, e_conso = int(target_day_conso.timestamp()), int(target_day_conso.timestamp()) + 86400
        df_soc_sun = installation.get_soc(s_sun, e_sun)
        df_soc_conso = installation.get_soc(s_conso, e_conso)
        df_soc_sun.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"SOC_sun", index=False)
        df_soc_conso.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"SOC_conso", index=False)
    def fill_data(path_rapport, recap_values, installation):
        Fill an Excel report with data for a given installation and time range.
        :param path_rapport: Path to the Excel report file.
        :param recap_values: Recap values containing start and end dates.
        :param installation: The installation object from which to fetch the data.
        start, end = get_unix_timestamp(recap_values[5]), get_unix_timestamp(recap_values[6], end_of_day=True)
        s_prev_month_start = get_unix_timestamp((recap_values[5].replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).replace(day=1))
        e_prev_month_end = get_unix_timestamp(recap_values[5].replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1), end_of_day=True)
        with pd.ExcelWriter(path_rapport, engine='openpyxl', mode='a', if_sheet_exists='replace') as writer:
            if installation.report_type == '1m':
                write_data_site(writer, installation, start, end)
                bv_df, sy_df = installation.get_and_analyze_bv_and_sy(start, end)
                bv_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Analysis Helper Battery", index=False)
                sy_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Analysis Helper Solar Yield", index=False)
                prev_month_data = installation.get_data_previous_month(s_prev_month_start, e_prev_month_end)
                prev_month_data.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="data_previous_month", index=True)
            elif installation.report_type == '3m':
                # Define start and end times for the previous 3 months
                times = []
                for i in range(3):
                    s_prev = get_unix_timestamp((recap_values[5] - timedelta(days=30 * (i + 1))).replace(day=1))
                    e_prev = get_unix_timestamp(recap_values[5] - timedelta(days=30 * i), end_of_day=True)
                    times.append((s_prev, e_prev))
                write_data_site(writer, installation, start, times[0][1], '1m')
                write_data_site(writer, installation, times[1][0], times[1][1], '2m')
                write_data_site(writer, installation, times[2][0], times[2][1], '3m')
                for i, (s_prev, e_prev) in enumerate(times):
                    prev_month_data = installation.get_data_previous_month(s_prev, e_prev)
                    prev_month_data.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"data_previous_month_{i + 1}m", index=True)
            s_12m = get_unix_timestamp(recap_values[5] - timedelta(days=365), end_of_day=True)
            data_12m = installation.get_data_12_months(s_12m, end)
            data_12m.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="data_12m", index=False)
    def get_pv_gis_data(recap_values, report_file):
        print("Getting pv_gis data")
        # Initialize the parameters with defaults or values from the respective lists
        m_pv_gis = pd.Timestamp(recap_values[6]).month
        lat = recap_values[18]
        lon = recap_values[19]
        pvtechchoice = recap_values[20]
        # List of parameters to check for missing values and their default values
        params = [
            (recap_values[7], 0, "peakpower"),
            (recap_values[21], 0, "loss"),
            (recap_values[22], 0, "mountingplace"),
            (recap_values[23], 0, "angle"),
            (recap_values[24], 0, "azimut"),
            (recap_values[25], 0, "startyear"),
            (recap_values[26], 0, "endyear")
        # Dictionary to store the parameter values
        param_values = {}
        # Check for missing values and assign default values if necessary
        for value, default, name in params:
            if isinstance(value, str):
                param_values[name] = round(value) if not pd.isna(value) else default
        # Extract the parameter values from the dictionary
        peakpower = param_values["peakpower"]
        loss = param_values["loss"]
        mountingplace = param_values["mountingplace"]
        angle = param_values["angle"]
        azimut = param_values["azimut"]
        startyear = param_values["startyear"]
        endyear = param_values["endyear"]
        daily_mean_df, daily_mean_df_temp = get_irradiance_pv_gis(m_pv_gis, lat, lon, pvtechchoice, peakpower, loss, mountingplace, angle, azimut, startyear, endyear)
        with pd.ExcelWriter(report_file, engine='openpyxl', mode='a', if_sheet_exists='replace') as writer:
            daily_mean_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Irradiance PVGIS", index=False)
            for i in range(1,6):
                if (m_pv_gis-i)%12 ==0:
                    m_cond = 12
                    m_cond = m_pv_gis-i
                daily_mean_df_parsed_prev = daily_mean_df_temp[daily_mean_df_temp['Month'] == m_cond]
                daily_mean_df_prev = pd.DataFrame()
                daily_mean_df_prev['Date'] = daily_mean_df_parsed_prev['Date']
                daily_mean_df_prev['Irradiance'] = daily_mean_df_parsed_prev['Irradiance']
                daily_mean_df_prev['Energie (Wh)'] = daily_mean_df_parsed_prev['Energie (Wh)']
                daily_mean_df_prev.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"Irradiance PVGIS prev_{i}m", index=False)
    def get_alarm_data(report_file, recap_values, installation):
            start, end = get_unix_timestamp(recap_values[5]), get_unix_timestamp(recap_values[6], end_of_day=True)
            df_meta, df_alarm_summary, plot_files = installation.get_alarms(start, end)
            with pd.ExcelWriter(report_file, engine='openpyxl', mode='a', if_sheet_exists='replace') as writer:
                if len(df_alarm_summary)==0:
                    df_alarm_summary.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = "Alarm Summary", index = False)
                    df_alarm_summary = pd.merge(df_alarm_summary, df_meta, left_on=0, right_on=0)
                    df_alarm_summary = df_alarm_summary.sort_values(by=1)
                    df_alarm_summary.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = "Alarm Summary", index = False)
    def generate_report(master_path, template_path, result_path, installation):
        recap_values=get_recap_values(master_path, installation)
        report_file = create_report_file(installation, template_path, recap_values, result_path)
        print("Fichier du rapport cree")
        # Fill the report 
        fill_aide_rapport(report_file, recap_values, installation)
        print("Aide rapport terminée")
        fill_data(report_file, recap_values, installation)
        print("Data bien recupéré et introduit dans le rapport")
        if recap_values[3]=="Oui":
            get_pv_gis_data(recap_values, report_file)
            print("Données PV_Gis bien récupérés")
        if recap_values[2] == "Oui":
            get_alarm_data(report_file, recap_values, installation)
            print("DOnnées des alarmes bien récupérées et traitées")
        create_charts(report_file, recap_values[4])
        print("Graphiques générés")
        print("Rapport terminé")

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