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Synthetic gene assembly and cloning
The gene sequence encoding porcine S100A12 was synthesized based on the protein amino-acid sequence, according to the E. coli codon bias.
The DNA coding sequence was formed by the overlap of the 3' end using 10 pmol of the following primers.
This product, extended by Taq polymérase, was used as template in a PCR to assemble de whole fragment. In this amplification reaction 100 pmol of each primer was used for synthesis of the recombinant S100A12 coding sequence.
The PCR product was purified and cloned into pGEM-T easy. The S100A12 coding sequence was cleaved with NdeI and BamHI restriction enzymes and subcloned into pET-28a and pET-29a expression vectors, to produce pS100A12-His ans pS100A12 plasmids, respectively.
j'ai l'impression d'avoir mal compris: ils ont fait 3 clonage différents? un pour le recombinant, un pour avoir un recombinant avec une queue histidine et un autre clonage pour avoir un recombinant sans queue histidine? Ou bien ce sont-ils servis du premier clonage pour faire les deux autres?
De plus, j'ai pas très bien compris à quoi servait E.coli!
Merci par avance!!