problème demo RTOS avec MIWI
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problème demo RTOS avec MIWI

  1. #1

    problème demo RTOS avec MIWI



    jais un problème récurrent sur la configuration de l'application note 'AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Démo' jais pu configurer le lcd (graphic pictail plus board version 2 ) et qui fonctionne

    jutilise MPLABX ,avec un pic32 eth starterkit monter sur une expansion board, avec un graphic pictail plus board version2,et un pictail MRF24J40MB sur le slot d'en haut

    mon premier probleme est que la demo utilise le miwi en P2P, or moi je veut utiliser la version MIWI ,donc jais ajouter les fichiers nécessaires ,(miwi.h, configmiwi.h, miwi.c, etc...)selectionner miwi , a la place de p2p dans configapp , mais je me retrouve avec des erreures de compilation

    C:\\Program\ Files\\Microchip\\MPLAB\ C32\ Suite\\bin\\pic32-gcc.exe   -x c -c -mprocessor=32MX795F512L -DMPLAB_PIC32MX_PORT -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/FreeRTOS/source/include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/WirelessProtocols/P2P" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/WirelessProtocols" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/TCPIP Stack" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Graphics" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Transceivers/MRF24J40" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Transceivers" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Common" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/FreeRTOS/Source/include" -MMD -MF build/default/production/_ext/416247360/Console.o.d -o build/default/production/_ext/416247360/Console.o ../AN1264\ MCHP\ and\ FreeRTOS\ Demo/src/Console.c  
    In file included from ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/include/SystemProfile.h:53,
                     from ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/.\Common\Console.h:54,
                     from ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/src/Console.c:51:
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:191: error: syntax error before "MIWI_TICK"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:191: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:192: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:202: error: syntax error before "MIWI_TICK"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:202: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:226: error: syntax error before '}' token
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:226: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:239: error: syntax error before "openSocketInfo"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h:239: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    make[2]: *** [build/default/production/_ext/416247360/Console.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/DataPic/DOMO/CENTRALE/centrale.X'
    make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/DataPic/DOMO/CENTRALE/centrale.X'
    principalement dans le fichier MIWI.h

    typedef struct _OPEN_SOCKET
        union _OPEN_SOCKET_STATUS
            struct _OPEN_SOCKET_STATUS_bits
                BYTE matchFound :1;
                BYTE requestIsOpen :1;
                BYTE itIsMe         :1;
            } bits;
            BYTE Val;
        } status;
        BYTE socketHandle;
        WORD_VAL ShortAddress1;
        BYTE LongAddress1[MY_ADDRESS_LENGTH];
            BYTE AdditionalNodeID1[ADDITIONAL_NODE_ID_SIZE];
            WORD_VAL ShortAddress2;
            BYTE LongAddress2[MY_ADDRESS_LENGTH];
        MIWI_TICK socketStart;    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
     * Overview: The structure to store indirect messages for devices turn off 
     * radio when idle
    typedef struct 
        MIWI_TICK   TickStart;      // start time of the indirect messag <<<<<<<<<<<<< <<< 
                                    // indirect message time out
        #if defined(IEEE_802_15_4)                                
            WORD_VAL    DestPANID;      // the PAN identifier for the destination node
        BYTE        DestAddress[MY_ADDRESS_LENGTH];             // unicast destination long address
            BYTE    Val;                        // value for the flags
    mon 2 eme probleme est que la demo utilise un ethernet picatail pour le tcp/ip, alor que moi j'aimerais bien utiliser celui present sur ma carte pic32 eth starter kit

    je vous remercie pour votre aide


  2. #2

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI

    aussi un message de mplabx que je ne comprend pas tres bien ...

    make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/DataPic/DOMO/CENTRALE/centrale.X'
    make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MiWi\MiWi.h', needed by `build/default/production/_ext/416247360/taskMIWI.o'.  Stop.
    make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
    make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2
    BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 5s)

  3. #3

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI

    pour mon dernier message un simple clean a enlever le probleme .

    donc ... jais avancer :

    C:\\Program\ Files\\Microchip\\MPLAB\ C32\ Suite\\bin\\pic32-gcc.exe   -x c -c -mprocessor=32MX795F512L -DMPLAB_PIC32MX_PORT -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/FreeRTOS/source/include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/MPLAB/PIC32MX" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/WirelessProtocols/P2P" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/WirelessProtocols" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/TCPIP Stack" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Graphics" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Transceivers/MRF24J40" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Transceivers" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/Include/Common" -I"../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/FreeRTOS/Source/include" -MMD -MF build/default/production/_ext/799721873/MiWi.o.d -o build/default/production/_ext/799721873/MiWi.o ../AN1264\ MCHP\ and\ FreeRTOS\ Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c  
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: `INSTR_FREQ' undeclared here (not in a function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[0]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[1]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[2]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:99: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[3]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[4]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[5]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[6]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[7]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[8]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:100: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[9]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[10]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[11]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[12]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:101: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[13]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:102: error: initializer element is not constant
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:102: error: (near initialization for `ScanTime[14]')
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:220: error: syntax error before "MIWI_TICK"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:220: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:221: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `BroadcastJitter':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:295: error: `MIWI_TICK' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:295: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:295: error: for each function it appears in.)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:295: error: syntax error before "t1"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:300: error: `t1' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:300: warning: implicit declaration of function `MiWi_TickGet'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:303: error: `t2' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:304: warning: implicit declaration of function `MiWi_TickGetDiff'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `MiWiTasks':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:331: error: `MIWI_TICK' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:331: error: syntax error before "t1"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:467: error: request for member `RxCounter' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:468: error: request for member `AltSourceAddr' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:469: error: request for member `MiWiSeq' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:488: error: request for member `RxCounter' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:496: error: request for member `AltSourceAddr' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:497: error: request for member `MiWiSeq' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:498: error: request for member `RxCounter' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:500: error: request for member `StartTick' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:740: error: incompatible types in assignment
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1268: error: structure has no member named `PeerInfo'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1403: warning: implicit declaration of function `MiApp_CB_AllowConnection'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1695: error: `ENABLE_ACTIVE_SCAN_RSP' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1779: error: `t1' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1848: error: request for member `RxCounter' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1850: error: request for member `StartTick' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1852: error: request for member `RxCounter' in something not a structure or union
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:1897: error: `t2' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: At top level:
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:2311: error: syntax error before "tmpTick"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:2311: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `DumpConnection':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:2709: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:2794: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `OpenSocket':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:2971: error: incompatible types in assignment
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:3062: error: incompatible types in assignment
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `SaveIndirectMessage':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:3211: error: incompatible types in assignment
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: At top level:
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:3561: error: conflicting types for 'MiApp_ProtocolInit'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MCHP_API.h:148: error: previous declaration of 'MiApp_ProtocolInit' was here
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:3561: error: conflicting types for 'MiApp_ProtocolInit'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/include/WirelessProtocols\MCHP_API.h:148: error: previous declaration of 'MiApp_ProtocolInit' was here
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `MiApp_ProtocolInit':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:3708: error: structure has no member named `NetworkFreezer'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `MiApp_SearchConnection':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:3977: error: `MIWI_TICK' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:3977: error: syntax error before "t1"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4006: error: `t1' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4014: error: `t2' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `MiApp_EstablishConnection':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4092: error: `MIWI_TICK' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4092: error: syntax error before "t1"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4174: error: structure has no member named `PeerInfo'
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4206: error: `t1' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4214: error: `t2' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `MiApp_UnicastConnection':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4418: error: `MIWI_TICK' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4418: error: syntax error before "t1"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4419: error: `t1' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4431: error: `t2' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c: In function `MiApp_UnicastAddress':
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4598: error: `MIWI_TICK' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4598: error: syntax error before "t1"
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4599: error: `t1' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4611: error: `t2' undeclared (first use in this function)
    ../AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo/Microchip/MiWi/MiWi.c:4705: error: syntax error before "t1"
    make[2]: *** [build/default/production/_ext/799721873/MiWi.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
    make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/DataPic/DOMO/CENTRALE/centrale.X'
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/DataPic/DOMO/CENTRALE/centrale.X'
    enfin ? jen peut plus si quelqun sait modifiers les 2 ou trois fichiers de la demo AN1264 MCHP and FreeRTOS Demo pour la faire fonctionner avec MIWI_PRO ,a la place de MIWI_P2P

    sa me parait pas "grand chose" pourtant ...

  4. #4

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI

    jais pas l'impression que sa interesse beaucoup de monde ce miwi

  5. A voir en vidéo sur Futura
  6. #5

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI


    Patcher des fonctions MiWi au hasard sur un RTOS ne va t'amener bien loin...

    La note d'application à laquelle tu fais référence, je l'ai faite fonctionner sur une plateforme différente de la tienne (EXPLORER16 + module processeur PIC32 + graphics Pictail V2) et egalement avec la carte Pictail plus ethernet.

    Si tu veux utiliser MiWi Pro, il faut démarrer de la stack MiWi vierge à télécharger dans les librairies MAL.

    D'ailleurs si tu n'as pas besoin d'utiliser un RTOS il serait plus simple de démarrer seulement avec MiWi Pro seul...


  7. #6

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI

    merci ,jais bien cru ne jamais avoir de réponses

    je pense que je vais laisser tomber le RTOS pour dessuite
    jais besoin de la stack tcpip et MIWI Pro ,donc jais essayer un peut de demmarer de zero ,mais jais deja un probleme du fait quil faut activer le NETWORK FREEZER ,et celui-ci demande un acces memoire non volatile pour stocker les info du reseau. mais le fichiers NVM.c qui est dans WirelessProtocols
    semble etres ecrit exclusivement pour des pic18 ?

    la partie qui pose probleme a la compilation:
    #if defined(USE_DATA_EEPROM)
        	void NVMRead(BYTE *dest, WORD addr, WORD count)
                while( count )
                    EEADRH = addr >> 8;
                    EEADR = addr;
                    EECON1bits.EEPGD = 0;
                    EECON1bits.CFGS = 0;
                    EECON1bits.RD = 1;   
                    *dest++ = EEDATA;
    aussi une autre question : jais le compilateur C32 v1.12 et jais entendu parler de version 2 ??

    merci de ton aide

  8. #7

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI


    OK je comprends pourquoi FreeRTOS t'interesse...C'est evidemment plus facile de gerer 2 protocoles avec un RTOS mais cela reste fesable avec un simple scheduler de type cooperatif.
    La fonction que tu montres est effectivement utilisée uniquement pour les PIC18.
    Elle est d'ailleurs validée par un switch de compilation (USE_DATA_EEPROM).

    Quelle stack MiWi utilises-tu (version) ?
    Si tu utilises un PIC32 je suppose qu'un autre switch de compilation est actif pour mémoriser cette information autrepart.
    2 solutions sont envisageables : E2PROM externe ou émulation d'E2PROM (fouiller le code pour voir comment c'est géré si le switch PIC32 est valide).


  9. #8

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI


    quand tu parle d'un sheduler c'est koi au juste ?

    jutilise la derniere version de miwi 4.1 il me semble

    pour le switch il y a troi possibilités en flash,en eeprom interne,en eeprom externe, jais tester en interne et en flash et jais des erreurs ,on dirais que le code n'est pas prevu pour les pic32 ...

  10. #9

    Re : problème demo RTOS avec MIWI


    La dernière version de MiWi DE est la v4.2 voir tableau ici et elle gère les PIC32...


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