Simulation ModelSim
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Simulation ModelSim

  1. #1

    Simulation ModelSim


    Bonjour à tous,

    Je souhaiterai simuler un code en VHDL, à l'aide de ModelSim, pour voir si celui-ci peut être implémenter sur un FPGA par la suite. Mais étant un débutant en VHDL ainsi qu'avec les simulations, je ne suis pas du tout sûr de ce que je fais.

    J'aimerai donc avoir votre aide. Pouvez vous m'éguiller sur la marche à suivre ? Quels signaux de l'entité de test dois-je utiliser pour voir si mon code fonctionne bien ?

    Voici mon code :

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
    entity uart is
    generic (
      CLK_FREQ	: integer := 50;		-- Main frequency (MHz)
      SER_FREQ	: integer := 9600		-- Baud rate (bps)
    port (
      -- Control
      clk			: in	std_logic;		-- Main clock
      rst			: in	std_logic;		-- Main reset
      -- External Interface
      rx			: in	std_logic;		-- RS232 received serial data
      tx			: out	std_logic;		-- RS232 transmitted serial data
      -- RS232/UART Configuration
      par_en		: in	std_logic;		-- Parity bit enable
      -- uPC Interface
      tx_req		: in	std_logic;						-- Request SEND of data
      tx_end		: out	std_logic;						-- Data SENDED
      tx_data		: in	std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);	-- Data to transmit
      rx_ready	: out	std_logic;						-- Received data ready to uPC read
      rx_data		: out	std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)	-- Received data 
    end uart;
    architecture Behavioral of uart is
    	-- Constants
    	constant UART_IDLE	:	std_logic := '1';
    	constant UART_START	:	std_logic := '0';
    	constant PARITY_EN	:	std_logic := '1';
    	constant RST_LVL	:	std_logic := '1';
    	-- Types
    	type state is (idle,data,parity,stop1,stop2);			-- Stop1 and Stop2 are inter frame gap signals
    	-- RX Signals
    	signal rx_fsm		:	state;							-- Control of reception
    	signal rx_clk_en	:	std_logic;						-- Received clock enable
    	signal rx_rcv_init	:	std_logic;						-- Start of reception
    	signal rx_par_bit	:	std_logic;						-- Calculated Parity bit
    	signal rx_data_deb	:	std_logic;						-- Debounce RX data
    	signal rx_data_tmp	:	std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);	-- Serial to parallel converter
    	signal rx_data_cnt	:	std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);	-- Count received bits
    	-- TX Signals
    	signal tx_fsm		:	state;							-- Control of transmission
    	signal tx_clk_en	:	std_logic;						-- Transmited clock enable
    	signal tx_par_bit	:	std_logic;						-- Calculated Parity bit
    	signal tx_data_tmp	:	std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);	-- Parallel to serial converter
    	signal tx_data_cnt	:	std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);	-- Count transmited bits
    		variable counter	:	integer range 0 to conv_integer((CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1);
    		if clk'event and clk = '1' then
    			-- Normal Operation
    			if counter = (CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1 then
    				tx_clk_en	<=	'1';
    				counter		:=	0;
    				tx_clk_en	<=	'0';
    				counter		:=	counter + 1;
    			end if;
    			-- Reset condition
    			if rst = RST_LVL then
    				tx_clk_en	<=	'0';
    				counter		:=	0;
    			end if;
    		end if;
    	end process;
    		variable data_cnt	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    		if clk'event and clk = '1' then
    			if tx_clk_en = '1' then
    				-- Default values
    				tx_end					<=	'0';
    				tx						<=	UART_IDLE;
    				-- FSM description
    				case tx_fsm is
    					-- Wait to transfer data
    					when idle =>
    						-- Send Init Bit
    						if tx_req = '1' then
    							tx			<=	UART_START;
    							tx_data_tmp	<=	tx_data;
    							tx_fsm		<=	data;
    							tx_data_cnt	<=	(others=>'1');
    							tx_par_bit	<=	'0';
    						end if;
    					-- Data receive
    					when data =>
    						tx				<=	tx_data_tmp(0);
    						tx_par_bit		<=	tx_par_bit xor tx_data_tmp(0);
    						if tx_data_cnt = 0 then
    							if par_en = PARITY_EN then
    								tx_fsm	<=	parity;
    								tx_fsm	<=	stop1;
    							end if;
    							tx_data_cnt	<=	(others=>'1');
    							tx_data_tmp	<=	'0' & tx_data_tmp(7 downto 1);
    							tx_data_cnt	<=	tx_data_cnt - 1;
    						end if;
    					when parity =>
    						tx				<=	tx_par_bit;
    						tx_fsm			<=	stop1;
    					-- End of communication
    					when stop1 =>
    						-- Send Stop Bit
    						tx				<=	UART_IDLE;
    						tx_fsm			<=	stop2;
    					when stop2 =>
    						-- Send Stop Bit
    						tx_end			<=	'1';
    						tx				<=	UART_IDLE;
    						tx_fsm			<=	idle;
    					-- Invalid States
    					when others => null;
    				end case;
    				-- Reset condition
    				if rst = RST_LVL then
    					tx_fsm				<=	idle;
    					tx_par_bit			<=	'0';
    					tx_data_tmp			<=	(others=>'0');
    					tx_data_cnt			<=	(others=>'0');
    				end if;
    			end if;
    		end if;
    	end process;
    		variable deb_buf	:	std_logic_vector(20 downto 0):= (OTHERS=>'0');
    		variable ones : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) := (OTHERS=>'1');
    		variable zero : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) := (OTHERS=>'0');
    		if clk'event and clk = '1' then
    			-- Debounce logic
    			if deb_buf = zero then
    				rx_data_deb		<=	'0';
    			elsif deb_buf = ones then
    				rx_data_deb		<=	'1';
    			end if;
    			-- Data storage to debounce
    			deb_buf				:=	deb_buf(19 downto 0) & rx;
    		end if;
    	end process;
    		variable rx_data_old	:	std_logic;
    		if clk'event and clk = '1' then
    			-- Falling edge detection
    			if rx_data_old = '1' and rx_data_deb = '0' and rx_fsm = idle then
    				rx_rcv_init		<=	'1';
    				rx_rcv_init		<=	'0';
    			end if;
    			-- Default assignments
    			rx_data_old			:=	rx_data_deb;
    			-- Reset condition
    			if rst = RST_LVL then
    				rx_data_old		:=	'0';
    				rx_rcv_init		<=	'0';
    			end if;
    		end if;
    	end process;
    		variable counter	:	integer range 0 to conv_integer(((CLK_FREQ*1_500_000)/SER_FREQ)-1):=conv_integer(((CLK_FREQ*1_200_000)/SER_FREQ)-1);
    		if clk'event and clk = '1' then
    			-- Normal Operation
    			if rx_rcv_init = '1'  then
    				rx_clk_en	<=	'1';
    				counter		:=	conv_integer(((CLK_FREQ*1_500_000)/SER_FREQ)-1);			  
    			elsif ( counter = 0  )  then
    				rx_clk_en	<=	'1';
    				counter		:=	conv_integer(((CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ)-1);
    				rx_clk_en	<=	'0';
    				counter		:=	counter - 1;
    			end if;
    			-- Reset condition
    			if rst = RST_LVL then
    				rx_clk_en	<=	'0';
    				counter		:=	0;
    			end if;
    		end if;
    	end process;
    		if clk'event and clk = '1' then
    			-- Default values
    			rx_ready		<=	'0';
    			-- Enable on UART rate
    			if rx_clk_en = '1' then
    				-- FSM description
    				case rx_fsm is
    					-- Wait to transfer data
    					when idle =>
    						if rx_data_deb = UART_START then
    							rx_fsm		<=	data;
    						end if;
    						rx_par_bit		<=	'0';
    						rx_data_cnt		<=	(others=>'0');
    					-- Data receive
    					when data =>
    						-- Check data to generate parity
    						if par_en = PARITY_EN then
    							rx_par_bit		<=	rx_par_bit xor rx_data_deb;
    						end if;
    						if rx_data_cnt = 7 then
    							-- Data path
    							rx_data(7)		<=	rx;
    							for i in 0 to 6 loop
    								rx_data(i)	<=	rx_data_tmp(6-i);
    							end loop;
    							-- With parity verification
    							if par_en = PARITY_EN then
    								rx_fsm		<=	parity;
    							-- Without parity verification
    								rx_ready	<=	'1';
    								rx_fsm		<=	idle;
    							end if;
    							rx_data_tmp		<=	rx_data_tmp(6 downto 0) & rx;
    							rx_data_cnt		<=	rx_data_cnt + 1;
    						end if;
    					when parity =>
    						-- Check received parity
    						rx_fsm				<=	idle;
    						if rx_par_bit = rx then
    							rx_ready		<=	'1';
    						end if;
    					-- End of communication
    					when stop1 =>
    						-- Send Stop Bit
    						--tx				<=	UART_IDLE;
    						rx_fsm			<=	stop2;
    					when stop2 =>
    						-- Send Stop Bit
    						rx_ready			<=	'1';
    						--tx				<=	UART_IDLE;
    						rx_fsm			<=	idle;						
    					when others => null;
    				end case;
    				-- Reset condition
    				if rst = RST_LVL then
    					rx_fsm			<=	idle;
    					rx_ready		<=	'0';
    					rx_data			<=	(others=>'0');
    					rx_data_tmp		<=	(others=>'0');
    					rx_data_cnt		<=	(others=>'0');
    				end if;
    			end if;
    		end if;
    	end process;
    end Behavioral;

    Pour ma part, j'essaie de tester les signaux rx et tx seulement mais je n'obtient que deux ligne droit de ce type : Nom : test.png
Affichages : 118
Taille : 43,6 Ko

    Si vous pouviez m'aider je vous en serrai reconnaissant.

    Merci d'avance !


  2. #2

    Re : Simulation ModelSim


    On trouve des documents qui expliquent tout ceci, soit sur le site d'Altera,soit ailleurs.

    Not only is it not right, it's not even wrong!

  3. #3

    Re : Simulation ModelSim

    d'abord il n'y a aucune initialisation, le port rst serait il là pour faire joli ?
    Donc commence par initialiser tous les signaux on en recause ensuite.
    l'électronique c'est pas du vaudou!

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