Bonjour , je suis nouveau sur le forum.
Je souhaiterais fabriquer (dans le cadre scolaire) une nacelle stabilisé basée sur 2 servo et un GY-521 a l'aide d'un arduino.
Mais voila étant novice en programmation je ne suis pas capable de paramétrer correctement la carte.
J'ai trouver un code fonctionnant correctement avec 1 axe et 1 servo (ci dessous). J'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un possède un code pour les 2 axe sur 2 servo ou serait t'il en mesure de modifier celui existant.
Merci beaucoup !
Le code fonctionnant sur 1 servo :
Code:/* GYRO CAMERA - Demonstrates auto-leveling Camera Video by using Gyro & Accelerometer with Arduino The circuit: Servo controlled by Arduino, using Gyro and Accelerometer as reference of movement. Created March 12, 2013 by Firmansyah Saftari This code and complete article can be found at: Programming Language: C++ */ #include <Servo.h> Servo xservo; #include <Wire.h> #include "Kalman.h" Kalman kalmanX; Kalman kalmanY; uint8_t IMUAddress = 0x68; // MPU6050 Address /* IMU Data */ int16_t accX; int16_t accY; int16_t accZ; int16_t tempRaw; int16_t gyroX; int16_t gyroY; int16_t gyroZ; int moveX; int mapX; int correctionX; double accXangle; double accYangle; double gyroXangle = 9; double gyroYangle = 180; double compAngleX = 90; double compAngleY = 90; double kalAngleX; double kalAngleY; uint32_t timer; // ---------- VOID SETUP START -------------- / void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); xservo.attach(10); Wire.begin(); i2cWrite(0x6B,0x00); // Disable sleep mode if(i2cRead(0x75,1)[0] != 0x68) { // Read "WHO_AM_I" register Serial.print(F("MPU-6050 with address 0x")); Serial.print(IMUAddress,HEX); Serial.println(F(" is not connected")); while(1); } kalmanX.setAngle(90); // Set starting angle kalmanY.setAngle(90); timer = micros(); } // ---------- VOID SETUP END -------------- / // ---------------------- VOID LOOP START -------------- / void loop() { /* Update all the values */ uint8_t* data = i2cRead(0x3B,14); accX = ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]); accY = ((data[2] << 8) | data[3]); accZ = ((data[4] << 8) | data[5]); tempRaw = ((data[6] << 8) | data[7]); gyroX = ((data[8] << 8) | data[9]); gyroY = ((data[10] << 8) | data[11]); gyroZ = ((data[12] << 8) | data[13]); /* Calculate the angls based on the different sensors and algorithm */ accYangle = (atan2(accX,accZ)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG; accXangle = (atan2(accY,accZ)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG; double gyroXrate = (double)gyroX/131.0; double gyroYrate = -((double)gyroY/131.0); gyroXangle += gyroXrate*((double)(micros()-timer)/1000000); // Calculate gyro angle without any filter gyroXangle += kalmanX.getRate()*((double)(micros()-timer)/1000000); // Calculate gyro angle using the unbiased rate compAngleX = (0.93*(compAngleX+(gyroXrate*(double)(micros()-timer)/1000000)))+(0.07*accXangle); // Calculate the angle using a Complimentary filter kalAngleX = kalmanX.getAngle(accXangle, gyroXrate, (double)(micros()-timer)/1000000); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter timer = micros(); mapX = map(kalAngleX, 0, 200, 0, 179); //calculate limitation of servo mechanical // ///////////////////////////// correctionX = 27; // EDIT THIS VALUE FOR SERVO CORRECTION ANGLE // //////////////////////////// moveX = 270 - (kalAngleX) + correctionX; // ------- SEND TO SERIAL PRINT START ----- / Serial.print(" X Pos: "); Serial.print(moveX);Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("\n"); // ------- SEND TO SERIAL PRINT END ----- / // ------- SEND TO SERVO START ----- / xservo.write(moveX); // Send signal to servo delay(15); // delay to allow servos to move (ms) // ------- SEND TO SERVO END ----- / delay(1); // The accelerometer's maximum samples rate is 1kHz } // ---------------------- VOID LOOP END -------------- / // -- FUNCTIONS START -- void i2cWrite(uint8_t registerAddress, uint8_t data){ Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress); Wire.write(registerAddress); Wire.write(data); Wire.endTransmission(); // Send stop } uint8_t* i2cRead(uint8_t registerAddress, uint8_t nbytes) { uint8_t data[nbytes]; Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress); Wire.write(registerAddress); Wire.endTransmission(false); // Don't release the bus Wire.requestFrom(IMUAddress, nbytes); // Send a repeated start and then release the bus after reading for(uint8_t i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) data[i] =; return data; } // -- FUNCTIONS END -- // GYROCAM BY SAFT7.COM // // END