Hello, i need to use bus rs485 in half duplex multimaster multislave , this protocole is it existing ???
Can i use one adress to a group of slave or i will have problem if my master can't disting between them ??????
i need each master control a group of slave and a master that command all devices (slaves and masters )
how can implemented this??
i find in
mikroC PRO for PIC Libraries
a RS-485 Library master slave : Can i use it in my protocole multimaster multislave ?,, But I don't understand how he sent the data :
dat[0] = 0xAA;
dat[1] = 0xF0;
dat[2] = 0x0F;
dat[4] = 0; // ensure that message received flag is 0
dat[5] = 0; // ensure that error flag is 0
dat[6] = 0;
i interstand that it use dat[4] and dat[5] to control the reception but what's the meannig when he is put this :
if (dat[4]) { // if message received successfully
cnt = 0;
dat[4] = 0; // clear message received flag
Please there are someone can help ???