Science 28 April 2006:
Vol. 312. no. 5773, p. 529
DOI: 10.1126/science.1120866
Merci de corriger en cas de traduction incorrecteNote technique :
Commentaire sur “Reconstruction du passé climatique à partir de données biaisées»
Eugene R. Wahl, David M. Ritson, Caspar M. Ammann
Von Storch et al. (Reports, 22 October 2004, p. 679) a critiqué la capacité de la méthode de reconstruction climatique dite de la crosse de hockey à produire des estimations réalistes des variations de la température de l’hémisphère nord. Cependant, leurs conclusions étaient basées sur une implémentation incorrecte de la procédure de reconstruction. La calibration a été réalisée en utilisant de données biaisées [« detrended »], en enlevant ainsi une large fraction de la réponse physique au forçages radiatif.
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Version originale :
L’analyse de RealClimate, 28 avril 2006 :Comment on "Reconstructing Past Climate from Noisy Data"
Eugene R. Wahl,1* David M. Ritson,2 Caspar M. Ammann3
von Storch et al. (Reports, 22 October 2004, p. 679) criticized the ability of the "hockey stick" climate field reconstruction method to yield realistic estimates of past variation in Northern Hemisphere temperature. However, their conclusion was based on incorrect implementation of the reconstruction procedure. Calibration was performed using detrended data, thus artificially removing a large fraction of the physical response to radiative forcing.
Quel est votre avis : comment une telle erreur scientifique, aux conséquences aussi graves (elle a conduit en particulier les USA a refuser de s'engager à réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre) a-elle pu être commise ?A Mistake with Repercussions [Une erreur non sans consequences]
Today, Science published an important comment pointing out that there were serious errors in a climate research article that it published in October 2004. The article concerned (Von Storch et al. 2004) was no ordinary paper: it has gone through a most unusual career. Not only did it make many newspaper headlines [New Research Questions Uniqueness of Recent Warming, Past Climate Change Questioned etc.] when it first appeared, it also was raised in the US Senate as a reason for the US not to join the global climate protection efforts. It furthermore formed a part of the basis for the highly controversial enquiry by a Congressional committee into the work of scientists, which elicited sharp protests last year by the AAAS, the National Academy, the EGU and other organisations. It now turns out that the main results of the paper were simply wrong. (…)
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